Part 8

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After the song ended, me and Sadie awkwardly walked together to the kitchen, were Noah and Millie were.

"Heyyy, how was the dance?" Millie asks as she takes a bite of her cupcake.

"It was really fun, but I'm getting really tired" Sadie replies.

"Y-You can sta-stay over if you'd li-like" I offer.

"Yea, I'd like that" She smiles, giving me butterfly's in my stomach.

"It's getting pretty late, I think we should end the party." Millie suggests.

"Yea, I agree, I'm pretty tired to" Noah agrees.

Millie and Noah walk away to the living room, to announce the end of the party.

It was just me and Sadie in the kitchen.

"I had a lot of fun today Y/N, I'm really excited for next week so we all can be on set!" Sadie exclaims.

"M-Me to, hop-hopfully I can ge-get rid of t-this s-s-stutter before we-we do" I reply

"Well, maybe I can help you!" Sadie offers.

"H-How?" I ask

"Well, we could read and practice the script so when we start filming, you won't stutter!"

I think about it for a moment until I give her my answer. "Y-Yea, that wo-would be-be really cool"

"Nice! Now let's go clean up a little before we do though!" Sadie grabs my hand and walks me to the empty living room, with only Millie, Noah, Finn, Gaten and Caleb still in there.

"Hey guys, we cleared everyone out!" Finn exclaims.

"T-Thanks g-guys"

"Oh yea, your parents told me to tell you they got a little work trip and won't be back until tomorrow" Caleb exclaims. I look down at my feet, a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, are you ok?" Gaten asks.

"Y-Yea, just-just thinking" I reply, still looking down at my feet. I look at my hand and I realized that me and Sadie are still holding hands.

"We should get the cleaning, luckly it's not that bad" Sadie states.

"We'll help!" Caleb exclaims.

In about 20 minutes the whole house was as good as new. "Wo-wow th-thank you gu-guys so-so-so much!"

"No problem Y/N! It's our pleasure!" Finn says while throwing away the last piece of trash.

"Well thank you guys! I'm going to be sleeping here with Y/N tonight, so I'll see you all next week!" Sadie exclaims

We all said our goodbyes to each other until it was just me and Sadie at the house.

"So, what should we do first?" She asks.

"I-Im no-"

"Oh yea! I completely forgot! We gotta help you with your stutter!" Sadie grabs my hand and runs up the stairs to my room. When we got to my room she let's go of my hand and plops down on my bed.

"Wow, your room looks really good!" Sadie exclaims.

"T-Thanks" I reply, sitting next to her. I grab the script from my night stand and begin to read it.

About 1 hour later

"Good job Y/N! I'm so proud of you!!" Sadie exclaims.

I was now capable of talking 19 sentences without stuttering, and honestly, it was amazing!

"Thanks S-Sadie!"

"You see, your stutter is almost gone! Yippee!"

I giggle at Sadie's excitement she had towards me. "Now, we must watch a movie!!"
Hii! Sorry this part seemed a little short! Also, omg I'm freaking out, this book already has 100+ reads! Thank youuuu!! And as always, stay safe Bubbas!💜

 "Now, we must watch a movie!!"-----------------------------------------------------------A/NHii! Sorry this part seemed a little short! Also, omg I'm freaking out, this book already has 100+ reads! Thank youuuu!! And as always, stay safe Bubbas!💜

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