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"Kim Jennie?" He asked as he looked up and you could tell Jisoo's face erupted in a smile as there was a bit of hope for her to be her new room mate. And yes folks, she said her because he said Jennie.

Rosé on the other hand was curious to her name.
"Jennie? Is she mixed from another country?" Rosé questioned as Lisa shrugged not knowing the answer either.

"Oh, she's the new student who's late. I'll just ma-" the teacher started but stopped when the door opened with a bang and a girl stood there panting in place with her palms on her knees. She straightened herself within a minute and then you know it, a bunch of gasps and conversations burst, as she was gorgeous.

"Oh my god is that the new girl?!"
"She's so pretty!"
"Oh my god I love her style"
"Her eyes are so, I don't even know but I love them"
"God she's hot"
"She's so cute"
"She just changed in a split second"

Rumours started bursting as the whole groups attention was on her. Even the girls in the group started fan girling at her silently as they shared knowing glances between themselves.

"I'm Kim Jennie. The new student. Sorry I had to go back and Forth between the main and sports campus and then I missed the last bus and then I had to run all the way here which too-" she started rambling as you could swear you heard basically most of the class fall for her cuteness.

Other than the jealous or taken people maybe.

However her rambling was cut by the teacher who had an amused expression up on his face, as he was raising an eyebrow at the clearly tired girl.

But I mean even though she basically ran a mile she looked gorgeous, because she is after all Jennie. Is there any other explanation needed because, in the words of Ariana, god is a woman.

"It's alright Ms.Kim, I understand. We just started so why don't you introduce yourself" the teacher said pointing the way to the centre of the class as she just nodded with a smile, and that smile, god that smile, made Taehyung take a second glance.

She walked up front and straightened her posture, fixing her hair in the process and her black and white cropped Adidas jacket.

"Hello everyone. Nice to meet you, I'm Jennie Kim. 20 years old. I just moved here from New Zealand and I'm in the architecture department at SNU. They ran out of dorms there for my department so they sent me here, and now I'm in your homeroom. It's nice to meet you all" she said as a chorus of gasps echoed.

She immediately retracted her hand and looked confused as to why the gasps were there. She wondered if she did anything wrong and looked back at her professor, who just gave her a reassuring look.

A hand raised up, which turned out to be Rosé's, and Jennie looked at it a bit nervous. She really thought she did something wrong and that the girl was going to call her out for it, not knowing she, Rosé, was a complete sweet heart.

The professor also looked curiously at the hand as Rosé was a quiet girl and shy, she never questioned students and especially new students at that. He knew that even though he has only been teaching her for a month now. He however nodded at Rosé to ask her question.

'If you're from New Zealand, do you speak English?" Rosé asked in English with her Australian accent to Jennie, hoping the answer was a yes. The rest of the class understood nothing but the word English but they were used to it since they knew Rosé spoke English and were often used to hearing her accent when she was on the phone.

Jennie smiled in relief at the question. "I do speak English. Lived there for quite a while now. I'm assuming you are from Australia" she asked back and Rosé was left astounded at her kiwi accent. I mean yes she expected it, but god was it smooth. It sounded so, I don't know , abnormally luxurious.

She nodded to Jennie however and Jennie smiled. The others in the room had no idea what she said, as let me tell you, Korean English and English were basically two different languages. However they loved her voice when she spoke like that as well.

The professor smiled at Jennie before looking around. "Ms.Kim, why don't you have a seat with Jisoo. She's in the back. Would you raise your hand Jisoo?" He asked the girl who immediately did so. Jennie saw her after squinting a little, which made it obvious she used glasses.

She walked up the flight of stairs, as students stared her down and she sat beside Jisoo. "Hey" Jisoo greeted as Jennie again became nervous.

Jennie was a typical just out grown introvert. Which means that she used to be an introvert and then she just started developing her social skills, so she was still shy around new people. Jisoo noticed this and chuckled. "Don't worry I won't eat you. You're too beautiful. I might make you a doll though." She said and Jennie found it funny for some reason ad chuckled.

"I will become real life Annabelle then" she said as Jisoo looked at her a little confused. Sure she knew the name of the said film, it was famous, but she never actually watched it. Rosé on the other hand did. She looked back at them.

"I love that movie. I'm way to scared to watch it on my own though so I haven't watched it on a while. Unnie please watch it with me. Also I'm Rosé, or park chaeyoung" she said as Jennie chuckled.

"I'm Lisa! Thai but I understand Korean pretty darn well" Lisa said as Jennie smiled and and nodded and responded to Rosé's request that she made.

"Of course. No problem" she said and they laughed getting along as the boys were confused on how they got along so quick and so fast.

"It seems like they were made for each other and I find that creepy for some reason" Jungkook said leaning to whisper to Jimin and Taehyung.

"You bet" they responded at the same time looking at the new girl laughing along with them as if they had known each other for ages.

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