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The group boarded the bus and this time, Jennie and Taehyung sat next to each other in the back of the bus, as she closed her eyes resting herself against him.

One of his arms was around her shoulders as they were snuggled next to each other.

Rosé just looked at them and then side eyed the Jimin next to her, who was just too busy playing a mobile game as she sighed scoffing.

He didn't notice that either.

Not that they had any hard feelings, that's just how their relationship was.

"The group began talking as they all occupied the last seats on the bus.

Including the last row, where Jungkook, Lisa, Suga, Namjoon and Hoseok sat.

Rosé sat in front of them with jimin, while Taehyung and Jennie sat in the seats beside them.

In front was Jisoo and Jin.

They were all talking about something here and there.

"So what are your plans after college? Like have you guys thought about what would happen if you were to ever get injured?" Hoseok asked them as everyone silenced down.

"I mean I know namjoon, Tae and I will be fine. Our family owns the Kim enterprises after all, and the eldest sibling is taking over the main company. We each have a sub company under us" Jin said as he replied.

"And since I have to marry this freak after college because our parents promised each other that, I'm fine too" Jisoo said as she leaned against the window.

"You what now?" Rosé asked since she didn't know.

"Yeah they have to get married. They are fine with it though since they've liked each other, since forever" Jennie said exposing them for the second part with her eyes still closed as both Jisoo and Jin flushed red.

"You guys are lucky, you all come from one of the biggest enterprises in all of Korea" Lisa said.

"Yeah you all are filthy rich, since you're family owns Kim enterprises" Jungkook said to the three.

"Lisa you basically are okay even if you get a good career from doing what you're doing. you're parents own that hotel in Gangnam" Namjoon said as Taehyung agreed.

"And Rosé both your parents are lawyers, you're fine too" Taehyung told her who shrugged.

"And either way it's not like our company is the best in Korea, it's Jane enterprises that is. They go internationally" Jin said making a point.

By what he said Jennie opened her eyes in surprise.

"True. Their kid, will be filthy rich" Hoseok said as the others nodded.

"The kid is already a part of the company. They started the process last year of him or her, becoming the heir. He or she is the general manager since last year, and that's when they rose to the top. Before that they were probably 9th, but ever since the new general manager came they rose to 1, and next year he or she is going start taking higher roles and become the Vice President or something" Namjoon said as the others gaped.

"Really?" Lisa asked a little shocked.

"Yeah, and she or he will take over the company in two years. Apparently they are also a university student who goes to our university" Jimin said.

"The academic one" he further clarified.

"It's a she. My parents work for Jane enterprises and there's a lot of people saying it's a she. They've never seen her though, since she always takes a back entrance." Suga replied.

"They're also opening an architectural firm soon. because the heir is an architecture student" Taehyung said.

"You know unnie, you've been awfully quiet." Rosé replied adding the dots.

"Yeah, and you never talk about your family either" Jungkook said adding on also suspicious.

Jennie playfully rolled her eyes before responding.

"You guys think I'm the heir? Really? Trust me if I was the heir I wouldn't be wearing this, and wouldn't be living in a dorm room all the time. Plus I probably would eat better and actually own jewellery. It's probably one of the rich girls like Mina or Jihyo" she replied to them as the others nodded.

"That does make sense" Taehyung said as the conversation went on.

They switched topics though, as they stopped talking about companies.

"The school year is ending so soon" Jisoo started with a hint of sadness lacing her tone.

It was true.

The school year was coming to an end, in around 3 months.

She had spent four months with the others,
As the first month she spent from a hotel.

But it's coming to an end.

Suddenly the talk she had with the dean came to her mind.

The university he was talking about, was all the way in, Cardiff, a whole another country.

And because of the so called program, they were denying any communication with people from SNU, other than family.

So that meant that if she went, she wouldn't be talking with them for more than just a few months.

She found out that her summer and the first one month would also be spent there.

That's around 13 months, as a school year was 8 months, summer four and then one month of the next grade.

Over a year.

But it's such a great opportunity.

She would get so much more experience and she would be able to have better recommendations form there.

She would also finally get more freedom as she would be away from her grandparents, who always tried to control her every move.

She longed to experience that freedom.

But that meant not having contact with her friends for over a year.

And she just got with Taehyung after those 3 months of torture.

She finally had friends who made her feel like she belonged somewhere, a whole group of them.

She loved them and would protect them from everything.

So the choice was tough? No it was excruciating torture for her.

She sighed as she leaned her head back to get some shut eye.

Hoping at least that, would get her mind off of something.

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