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Everyone reached the campsite with sour backs or slept limbs as they boarded off the bus.

They stretched the minute they got outside but were immediately hit with a wave of chills as the cold air breezed past them.

Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa somehow knew that they needed to wear sweaters and they had them in their bags as they wore it.

Jennie wore one the whole time because she gets cold very easily, so now she was freezing.

She looked around like a lost kid at the woods a little nervous and scared now.

She had never been camping before so she didn't really know what to expect.

Taehyung noticed her as he was getting his own back pack out.

He took off his denim jacket that he was wearing over his long sleeved t shirt and draped it around her shoulder, as he noticed she was shivering.

She jumped startled at the sudden appearance while a chuckle erupted from his at her.

Jennie's heart was beating a 100 miles an hour, as she saw what he did for her.

She was surprised and as she saw him chuckling, her palms started feeling sweaty.

The thudding in her chest grew even more intense when he stared down at her.

"You look cold. Return it when we get back" he said to her as he saw her quizzical look.

"Ani Ani. You'll get cold" she said as she started to remove it but he stopped her.

"It's fine. I'm used to the cold either way. Keep it." He said before stalking off to the bonfire area and joining the others as she stood there in shock of what happened.

She took a deep breath inhaling the scent of his which made a red tint appear on her face.

She shook herself out of the trance she fell in, before wearing the jacket properly, which somehow ended up going down to her thighs rather.

She had to pull up the sleeves as she took her own bag and put it inside the tent, as it was small enough.

But In Jisoo's case, she had to put it in the cabin if she wanted a peaceful sleep.

Jennie walked over to the others as she was a little anxious to be on her own.

As she found the logs, she saw two different open spots.

One, next to Taehyung, and one next to Lisa.

Taehyung gave her an inviting smile, where as she acted like she didn't see it.

She chose the one next to Lisa just so she wouldn't do anything stupid.

Taehyung immediately frowned in disappointment at that.

Seeing her in his jacket which was so oversized on her made his heart race on the other hand.

He loved seeing her like that, and especially when the bonfire light cast upon her skin and illuminated it, it made her look ethereal.

Just then Jimin sat beside him.

"Keep staring and she will definitely think you are creepy" he said as he saw his best friend look like a creep.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Taehyung said rolling his eyes secretly embarrassed as a hint of red aroused on his cheeks.

They all started talking as a group with the class as all of the class mates were seated around the bonfire taking the heat of it.

They made s'mores from some ingredients a few students brought, and since their teachers were inside the cabin, "calling it an early night", as they said, they were drinking alcohol.

"Okay that's enough for you" Jennie said as she took a bottle from Jisoo who poured.

"Why" she asked the younger who scoffed at her.

"Last time you drank more than this, you were begging me to go skinny dipping at 2 am" Jennie said crossing her arms as Jisoo leaned back shyly and embarrassed while the group laughed.

"And you too" Jennie sad pointing at Taehyung.

"Jimin, take that god damn bottle" she said ordering Jimin as the two stared at her why.

"Is it because he passed out?" Jimin asked as Taehyung widened his eyes at him.

"I passed out?!" He asked shocked.

"Yeah on the edge of the cliff, but not the point. It was because of what he did before that" Jennie said as the two curiously looked at her.

"Why? What did he do?" Jimin asked as he did end up taking the bottle.

Jennie paused a bit biting her lower lip if she wanted to reveal what happened that night.

"Oh tell us already I'm so curious" Taehyung said.

Jennie sighed in defeat as she ran a hand through her hair.

"He kissed me okay? He kissed me, and then I obviously pushed him away since he was drunk, and then he passed out" she said still confused why Taehyung didn't remember that night at all.

Jimin burst out in laughter at that.

Taehyung was hiding his face in his palms due to embarrassment and left.

But as he was leaving, he heard something.

"Wait , you said you pushed him away because he was drunk, if he wasn't would you still have kissed him?" Jimins voice was heard asking.

"I never pushed him away, I just said that cause he was here. But I wouldn't have pushed him even if he wasn't drunk, but that is only if he ever wanted to kiss me" she said before walking away as Taehyung blushed at the sudden confession he heard.

His heart raced as he smiled happily,

"She likes me?"

"She likes me..."

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