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It had been a month since Jennie entered the school now, and she hadn't come home last night.

They weren't worried however as Jennie had previously messaged Jisoo explaining that she would stay the night in the studio.

It was however 8 p.m the next day, and they were a little anxious, since she was out for longer than 24 hours, a full day.

She left last morning.

I mean they could tell why it was harder right now, as architecture majors have an exam schedule per 2 months, the first month of her Seoul national university was spent with her using a hotel room, and when she joined the sports dorms, it had began her second month.

So technically, it had been 2 months.

So yes, she was having examinations.

They were doing their work all day as they had a school day, so they thought she would have returned mid day or something, but she hadn't come yet.

You could say it was a Tuesday as yesterday was a Monday.

Many talks were continuously spread about her, as the mysterious new girl.

She was a little reserved on her back ground and all that, the other 10 never minded, but it made the rest of the students curious.

They even had a few students invade her privacy by having 2 of them ask students in the main campus, who suspiciously never answered to their questions.

It was quite weird in all honesty, but they shrugged it off.

But that just added fuel to the fire, as many accusations came up about her background.

The one that they themselves, the rest of the sports campus student body, confirmed however was that she was here on scholarship as she was not well off.

Many started teasing her about that both online on the school forum, as she didn't have a social media, and in person.

She never seemed to care however, as she phrased it,

"let the talkers talk, why bother proving something to them when it's your privacy".

The door was opened as Jennie walked in, surprisingly in a well dressed down as she slung a purse on the bed and collapsed on one of the couches.

She was wearing a pantsuit type of clothing, they really couldn't tell.

"Whoa did miss Cinderella lose her way?" Jimin asked skeptically as he scanned her appearance.

"Shut the fuck up Jimin I'm in no mood for sarcastic comments" she said groaning as she threw her head back in exhaustion.

I bet Taehyung was thinking of something else though, like something in pri-

Yeah yeah back to the topic.

"Whoa whoa slow down jen, what happened to you" Jisoo asked plopping down next to her.

"Had some type of early dinner with my parents, and let me tell you, it was a fucking nightmare. They kept asking me about getting a boyfriend because they want...." she started before stopping and looking straight at Taehyung and Jimin.

The boys on the other hand were confused on why she specifically looked at them and stopped.

Did they do something to her parents?

Wait had they even met her parents?

Absolutely not.

Jennie instead signalled Jisoo to come closer and whispered in her ear.

Jisoo pulled back as she burst out laughing at the red and frustrated, sexually frustr-, no, just trusfrated Jennie who was on the verge on screaming her lungs off in annoyance.

Taehyung and Jimin however looked at each other yet again and then looked at the laughing pair that was situated on the couch in their own world.

"Hello? Mind filling us in here?" Jimin asked as they both looked at each other and telepathically communicated an obvious "absolutely not" with their eyes.

"Yeah so what's for dinner" Jennie said immediately changing her topic as the girl stood up and so did Jisoo as they began walking.

"Well we're out of food in the cafeteria, but I bet Rosé has food, and her roommates won't mind us" Jisoo said as the two left the room.

Meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung were still standing their as they realised they were basically stood up.

"Did they just walk out on us?" Jimin asked the obvious.

"Yep" Taehyung replied as they stared at the door.

And to feed your curiosity.

Here's what Jennie whispered.

"They wanted to be grandparents and wanted to see their grandkid's before they die"


Jennie and Jisoo knocked softly on Lisa and Rosé's door, as one of the other girls opened it for them.

"Oh sorry, are Lisa and Rosé here?" Jisoo asked apologising for the interruption.

"Oh it's fine. They're in here come in" she said as she stepped aside, opening the door wider for the pair as they politely bowed and went in.


We all know who yelled that.

That's right, Lisa.

Both Jennie and Jisoo visibly flinched at the younger girls sudden squeal.

"What is it now?" Jisoo asked as she hit the side of her head dramatically to stop the so called ringing.

"I apologise on their behalf that you have to live with these crack addicts" Jennie said playfully to the other two girls who just chuckled.

"Whatever" Lisa said as she pouted in the corner of her bed.

"Okay no, all that aside why do you look that hot?" Rosé asked as Jennie shrugged.

"Just take a guess, I'm here for dinner" Jennie replied as Rosé devilishly smirked before going to her bed and bringing out a basket of food.

"So what will it be, ramen, spicy ramen, teokbokki, jjangmyeon, japch-" Rosé started but shut up as she saw Jennie snatch three of the mentioned things tired of waiting.

Ramen, tteokbaki and japchae.

"Well I'm done briefing" Rosé said and snatched the basket from Lisa's direction after noticing the girl try and take some.

"Hey!" Lisa yelled in protest.

"You are dinner Lisa shut up" Rosé said rolling her eyes as she returned her stash to its original place.

"Sorry we're disturbing you by the way" Jisoo said as she looked to the other two girls who assured her it's alright and that they frankly didn't care much for it, it was entertaining for them in fact.

And that's how the four of them stayed up till 12 arguing on which colour was better, black or pink.

In case you were wondering.

Team black: Jennie
Team pink: Rosé
Neutral: Jisoo & Lisa

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