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Hades walked into the lobby and saw Angel and Alastor looking out the front window.

"You two are being a bit overprotective aren't you?" Hades asked.

"This is Hell and she's outside." Angel said.

"Move over." Hades said moving them aside to see she's outside with Vaggie.

"Great now she has three smoothers." Husk mumbled.

"What is she doing?" Hades asked.

"We never sent Harmony to school so all of us teach her something." Angel explained. "Vaggie teaches her how to use weapons."

"Why?" Hades asked. "She has all my powers."

"Yeah, powers that make her sleepy when she uses them too much." Angel pointed out. "We want Harmony to always have a backup if she's ever in danger."

Today Vaggie was showing Harmony how to fight with knives.

"Hold the handle this way." Vaggie advised. "It's easier to have a tighter grip and won't slip out. We'll work on knife throwing next."

"So what does everyone teach her?" Hades ask.

"We all do different stuff, it was fun when she was a kid teaching her how to count and stuff." Angel said. "But when she got older we stopped teaching her all that math and history. Why does she need to know sides of a triangle?"

"I guess." Hades shrugged. "But she seems smart."

"She is." Alastor agreed. "That's why we got her that picture show with the buttons on them."

"For the last time, it's called a laptop." Angel groaned. "Honestly Al, we died around the same time, you're the smart one and I know current stuff more than you."

"To be fair I don't know what a laptop is either." Hades admitted.

Harmony then walked in with Vaggie walking behind her. "It was a good throw cariño." Vaggie told her.

"Damn it, we looked away." Angel huffed. "What she do?"

"I missed the target Vaggie set up and got a demon in the head." Harmony admitted which made the three dads laugh.

"I'll be upstairs." Harmony said before she snapped her fingers and disappeared.

"You know guys, she probably feels guilty." Vaggie glared.

"It was a demon, bastard is down here for a reason." Angel waved it off.

"Harmony has compassion." Vaggie reminded the boys.

"Don't know where she gets it from." Angel shrugged before turning to Alastor. "Let's blame Charlie."

"Agreed." Alastor nodded.

Harmony walked over to Fat Nuggets who was laying next to her bed. "How do you think it's going up there now Nuggs? Think all the kids are off the island yet?"

Fat Nuggets just gave off his usual loud snort.

"All these powers I have and I'm wishing I could understand a pet demon pig." Harmony chuckled.

"Should we go up?" Hades asked.

"Nah." Angel said as he looked at his phone. "We try not to take advantage of that truth shit, just like she doesn't take advantage of that wish crap Alastor promised her."

"Well.." Alastor meekly coughed into his hand.

"Well at least I don't take advantage of her truth telling." Angel corrected. "Even though I've been telling SOMEONE not too."

"Excuse me for wanting to hear my darling daughter's honesty, you know I don't tolerate liars." Alastor rambled.

Hades leaned over to Angel and whispered. "Seriously, how long did it take for you to get use to that voice of his?"

"I like it." Angel grinned. "Plus it's fucking hilarious to see others' reactions when they hear it for the first time. Like you."

"Shut up."

"What? It was hilarious." Angel laughed.

"I was surprised to see a giant dear with sharp teeth and trees growing out of his head, his voice was just an added surprise." Hades defended himself.

"I've seen pictures of your relatives. Your niece has antlers in her head." Angel pointed out.

"Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, she spends most of her time getting shot if the bushes she's standing next to is too big." Hades shrugged.

"Oh good another thing we have in common, fucked up families." 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now