Playing with Shadows

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"We're on our own guys, Harmony betrayed us." Mal told her friends.

"She didn't betray us Mal, we betrayed her first." Evie said. "There is no way we can just give Uma the wand. We can't let her just destroy Auradon."

"Well we can't just let Uma keep Ben" Jay argued.

"Right, so we're going to give Uma of all people the wand?" Evie asked.

"We don't have a choice!" Carlos snapped.

"Wait you guy!" Mal stepped forward with a brilliant idea pointing to Carlos. "3D printer."

"A phony wand!" Carlos realized.

"Yeah, but the second Uma tests it she'll know it's fake." Evie disagreed.

"We have to make a diversion."

Jay suddenly pointed to Evie. "Smoke bombs!"

"That's perfect!" Evie cheered happily. "I can get the chemicals from Dizzy, that could work!" Evie then walked over to Mal. "Oh and sick hair by the way, The wicked stepmother really stepped up her game."

"You know something, Dizzy did this." Mal explained.

"Little Dizzy? Shut up."

"I know I'm like loving it, it's like a lot lighter."

"Really proud of her."

Jay cleared his throat.

"Hello!" Carlos shouted loudly.

"Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirate's Bay no later than noon. And you guys, Losing is not an option." Mal told them. "Cause we're rotten..."

"To the core." Jay, Evie, and Carlos finished.

Meanwhile at the Chip shop Gil was staring at Harmony's flaming hair while Harmony explained to Uma and Harry about her life. Getting adopted by demons, Hell, coming to Auradon, finding Hades. She then noticed Gil. "You can feel it you know, I don't mind."

"Really?" Gil smiled big before he slowly started to feel her hair. "Whoa."

Hook being curious himself did to.

Harmony chuckled and grinned at Uma. "You want to try?"

"I'm good." Uma assured. "So what you did to Maleficent, how'd you do that?"

"Demon blood." Harmony answered.

"Come again?" Uma asked wide eyed.

"I drink demon blood I get that demon's power for a short amount of time. Wanna see?"

"Um, I rather not have my mom's restaurant destroyed." Uma mumbled.

"Don't worry, I'll do something small." Harmony assured before putting just a drop of Alastor's blood on her tongue. In a minute Harmony had a wide fang-filled smile and with a snap of her fingers a microphone staff appeared in her hand and she had an old fashion radio voice now. "Alright, gentleman I want you to repeat after me, just how I do it Ready?

Harmony snapped her fingers in a rhythm.

Ra-da da da dada dada da da
Your turn!

Everyone's shadows then came to life and repeated her.

La-da da da dada dada da da
Very good!
La-da da dada da ah
Go ahead now!
La-da da dada da dum
Good golly!
La-da dada da da ah
Bring it around now!
La-da da da dada dada da ah
Ladies !
La-da da da dada dada da ah
Good golly!

La da da dada da ah
La da da dada da ah
La-da da dada da ahhh

The demon blood wore off and Harmony's smile went back to normal.

"That was so cool and terrifying." Gil said wide eyed.

"Wait, magic doesn't work here." Harry said confused.

"What I have isn't considered magic." Harmony explained.

"Really wish you'd join my crew, we could really use someone like you." Uma told her.

"Trust me, you don't want to get involved with me."

"Evie! You came back!" Dizzy cheered as Mal and Evie walked in. "Is it all just like we imagined?" Dizzy asked before asking so many questions. "Did you know Hades had a daughter?!"

"Um, yeah I did Dizzy, I just didn't know you did." Evie said confused.

"She saved me."

"What?" Mal and Evie asked.

"My granny was screaming at me and was going to make me work all night but then this girl who looks a lot like Hades broke my broom and stood up for me. Now granny has been so nice to me, she even hugged me and scolded my mother for not spending enough time with me." Dizzy said so happy.

"Right." Mal said softly. "Um Dizzy, we need to make smoke bombs."

"Sure." Dizzy ran to a different room to get what they'll need.

"Evie." Mal said when she saw Evie's guilty face.

"Harmony did something for Dizzy that I should have done years ago." Evie said sadly. "Harmony was right, I forgot about the poor kids on this isle, including my little Dizzy." Evie got up and ran to a different room before the tears came.

Mal sighed and noticed something was mixed into the chemicals. Making sure no one was watching she quickly grabbed it and put it in her pocket.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now