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Hades watched as Harmony was in the back of the hotel lighting targets on fire.

"You're doing great hon!" Angel grinned giving her four thumbs up.

"So, how did you all react when she started showing her powers?" Hades asked.

Angel chuckled. "I thought I was doing drugs in my sleep or something, I was so confused."

"So when did they start showing?" Hades asked.

"Before she was two." Angel answered.

"That young?" Hades asked surprised.

Angel nodded. "We just thought the flaming hair was her only thing."

"Wish I could have seen your face." Hades chuckled. "So what happened? She burn up a hotel room?"

"No, my dad." Angel answered.

"What?" Hades asked not sure he heard right.

"Yeah, you missed my speech in Auradon, but anyway here's what happened."


Angel blew Harmony another kiss before closing the door but as he turned he saw Harmony was right there on the floor next to him. "Huh?" Angel pointed to her then the closed door a couple times. "HUSK! WHAT KIND OF DOPE DID YOU GIVE ME?!"

Alastor was in the kitchen humming his old tunes but the sound of a record scratching when he saw Harmony sitting on the counter watching him. Alastor raised a brow confused and turned to his shadow who just shrugged its shoulders.

Husk was sitting on the couch drinking his favorite booze as he sees Harmony playing with Fat Nuggets. He had to admit it was cute seeing that kid and pig play together. The two were now playing their own version of hide and seek, Nuggets hid under Alastor's favorite chair in front of the fireplace. Harmony started looking for him. Seeing Nuggets tail sticking out she went over to it and easily picked it up to show that's where Fat Nuggets was hiding. Husk stared with wide eyes before looking at the bottle of booze in his hand and did something he never thought he'd do. Dump it.

Vaggie, Charlie and Nifty were discussing some changes they would like to see in the hotel when Harmony crawled in unnoticed. Spotting some snacks on her aunt's desk, she went over to it and started climbing up the chairs only for the chair's wheels to slip out from under her making her and her aunt's paperwork fall to the floor.

"Oh my gosh Harmony!" Charlie screamed rushing over but Harmony wasn't crying, she just stared at the snacks on the desk that didn't fall down making her angry. Her skin started to turn red and the hair on her head changed before her whole body lit with fire burning all the papers around her. Charlie and Vaggie screamed while Nifty speeded around cleaning up the ashes that were dirtying the floor. Alastor walked in and saw what was going on. He didn't look surprised as he walked up to Harmony with a grin. "What are you mad about my little sweet?"

"Alastor, you knew Harmony could do that?" Vaggie asked.

"Angel and I just found out today actually." Alastor replied.

"Where is Angel?" Charlie asked.

"Out shopping for a new crib, Harmony is at that stage where she hates nap time. I believe she is entering the... what is it called? The troubled two?"

The sound of Angel's scream caught their attention as they rushed out in time to see Angel slam the front door, a gun in his hand and trying to catch his breath.

"Angel, my dear, what has happened?" Alastor asked concerned.

Angel tried to hold back his tears. "It's my dad, he found me. Al he knows about Harmony."

Harmony looked at her mommy/daddy's tear-filled eyes and that alone made her turn red. Harmony walked to the door and started pounding on it with her fists.

"Don't worry, I locked it." Angel said.

But that didn't stop Harmony, her whole body turned to smoke allowing her to travel under the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Every Hazbin Hotel demon screamed.

One of Angel's dad's gang members saw her on the hood of his car. "Where the hell did you come fr..." He didn't get to finish his sentence because Harmony punched him hard in the face just like she's seen her aunt Vaggie do when someone says something mean to her aunt Charlie.

The demon falling to the ground out cold made the whole gang look up to see her.

"Hey boss, isn't that the radio demon's kid?" One of the gang members asked.

"And ain't the son you disowned married to the radio demon?" Another asked.

"Take her." Angel's dad Henroin ordered but Harmony flammed up too angry at this son of a bitch that hurt her mom.

"You didn't tell us the kid could do that?!" The gang screamed.

"What are you waiting for?!" Henroin yelled. "Shoot it!"

The demons all shoot at Harmony but the bullets didn't hurt her, in fact they just bounced right off her.

"This kid is unstoppable!" One of the creeps screamed.

"Let's get out of here!"

As they ran Harmony threw fireballs she made in her hands setting them on fire causing them to really scream. Feeling better her fire went out and she turned back to the hotel where everyone was standing in the front door amazed and shocked.

"Al..." Angel said softly. "What was that?"

"I believe those are the powers that unpleasant green thing warned us about." Alastor replied.


After a few seconds, Alastor and Angel burst out laughing.

"Bravo!" Alastor cheered clapping his hands.

Harmony teleported out of the streets and into Angel's arms. "You did all that for me?" Angel said as now tears of joy fell out of his eyes as he cuddled her to him.

Alastor gently stroked Harmony's blue hair. "That was very entertaining my dear."

"Are you kidding me?!" Vaggie screamed.

"Hmm." Alastor tapped his chin in thought. "No, I don't think so."

Vaggies was stuttering sounds til Charlie pulled her away. "Come on Vaggie, let them have their family moment."

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now