Ben and Harmony Talk

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Harmony ran over to stand next to Harry fearing the worst but she saw Gil in the water completely fine. "I'm ok." GIl waved at them. "The rope I was hanging on just broke."

"He's ok?" Harmony asked as she stared at Gil in the water.

"Don't worry, we can all swim." Harry assured her.

"I can't" Harmony gulped.

Gil swam around the ship and onto the dock before ringing out his bandana.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Harmony asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Gil chuckled. "We're gonna need more rope though."

"See lass, that water is not so bad." Harry grinned.

"Be careful." Ben told them. "The last time she was in the water she ended up in a coma."

Harry and Uma both frowned and Harrry walked her over to some crates and helped her sit down. "Breath lass."

Uma and Harry went to go help Gil as Ben stared at Harmony worred. "Harmony, are you ok?"

"No." Harmony shivered as she hugged her knees. "I wanna go home."

"I'm sorry I got you into this, I'm sorry I didn't keep my word, if I did this wouldn't have happened. I just hope you'll forgive me."

Harmony rubbed her eyes.

"Does water really hurt you?" Ben asked.

"No." Harmony admitted. "It just scares me, and I don't know why. Everytime I touch it I feel like I'm being attacked."

"It will be ok, I won't let anyone hurt you again, I never forgave your cousin for throwing you into a fountain on family day."

Harmony sighed and looked around wondering what was taking Mal and the others so long.

"You know I never really got to know you more than I wanted to." Ben reminded her.

"What's there to know?" Harmony asked.

"Well.... I know you were raised in Hell by a demon couple, both men and your birth dad is Hades. How about I go first? My middle name is Florian."

Harmony raised her brow at him. "Isn't that Snow White's princes name?"

"Yeah." Ben said surprised. "How did you know that?"

"I read some of the stories." Harmony shrugged. "Some were kinda entertaining, others... I just wanna slap them in the face. I mean that Peter Pan guy? Why is he known as a hero? Hook wouldn't have been so bad if Peter Pan wasn't such an annoying little twerp. The guy kept stealing from Captain Hook and he's known as a good guy? The guy made Hook miserable that Hook became desperate enough to be a villian."

"Peter Pan isn't so bad once you get to know him." Ben assured.

Harmony gave Ben a 'Really?' Look. "He tried to feed him to a crocodile, that's not a good guy, good guys don't try to kill."

Ben looked down. He never thought about it like that before.

"Look at his kid over there." Harmony nodded over to Harry. "Does that seem like a villain's kid to you?"

Ben did so. He saw Harry helping Gil up before wrapping an arm around Uma. "No."

"Like I said Ben. There is good and evil in all of us. Even you and me. I know I'm not a good person but I'm not bad either. People just assume I'm evil because I'm Hades kid or that I was raised by demons but that's not the case. And Gil over there, he's such a sweetheart but because your dad couldn't forgive his dad he's stuck here. Yet Gil doesn't seem to hold a grudge against you."

"I know." Ben admitted. "He was nice to me when he saw me for the first time, he even offered me some food when I was in the cell."

"Then why did you give up Ben? Why?"

Ben looked up at her. "I was in love. I was so focused on making sure Mal was happy that I forgot about everything else. But I failed at that too, she ran away to get away from me and I just couldn't let her go. People tend to do crazy things when they're in love."

Harmony was silent for a moment before softly saying. "Fat Nuggets."

"Huh?" Ben asked confused.

"Fact about me is I have a pet pig at the hotel named Fat Nuggets." Ben laughed making Harmony chuckle along. "Don't look at me, I didn't name him. My mom had him way before I was even born."

"And I thought Florian was bad." Ben laughed.

"I just call him Nuggs." Harmony shrugged.

"So we friends again?" Ben asked hopefully.


Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now