Liar Liar Harmony Should Set Mal on Fire

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"Hold on." Mal said. "Free Ben first."

"I'm a goddess of my word." Harmony reminded her.

"Yeah I know, but show me that you're serious." Mal bargined.

"Hmm..." Harmony thought about it before shrugging. "Fair enough." With a snap of her fingers, Ben was now standing next to Mal unharmed.

Mal gave Harmony the wand which made Uma and her whole crew cheer.

"Ben go." Mal pushed Ben away.

Harmony gave Uma the wand and watched her try to break down the barrier with it but it didn't work and Uma easily snapped it in half. "NO! You do not get to win every time!"

Smoke bombs then covered the whole dock and Harmony sighed as she watched the VKs sword fight with each other. "And I thought Hell was chaotic." Feeling a tap on her shoulder she turned to see Mal. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Mal said.

"That you lied?" Harmony asked.

"No, for this." Mal took a purple smoke bomb out of her pocket and threw it right in Harmony's face. Harmony coughed a bit but then started to feel very tired, getting worse and worse she dropped onto the dock in a deep sleep.

"What did you do to her?!" Uma demanded as she attacked Mal only for Mal to block it with a sword of her own.

Ben saw Harmony on the dock and ran over to her. "Harmony?! What's wrong?" Getting no response he quickly picked her up and started to run to the limo to get her to safety. The others soon joined him.

"Does anyone know what happened to Harmony?" Ben asked worried as he held on to her protectively as they drove away.

"She must have used too much of her powers." Mal lied not looking at anyone.

Ben sighed hoping that was it. "I'm really sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted to."

"I mean.. as long as we're all safe." Mal said.

"What I mean is at least I got to see the Isle." Ben added. "They're my people too. That's what Harmony and Uma tried to tell me."

"Ben, Uma captured you." Mal said.

"She's an angry girl with a bad plan." Ben defended her. "Not so different from you when you came to Auradon Mal.

Mal gasped not believing what she was hearing.

When they got back to Auradon Ben carried Harmony in and looked for the instructions on how to summon a demon. Ben did as it said and Angel Dust appeared.

"What do you want?" Angel snapped irritated.

"Harmony must have used too much magic." Ben said as he nodded to Harmony who was asleep on the couch.

Angel turned to see his adopted daughter out cold. "Thanks." Angel said as he went over to her and lifted her up. "What she need to use so much of her powers for?"

"It's a long story." Ben sighed.

"Fine. She'll tell me when she wakes up." Angel said about to go back.

"Wait, if she wakes up in time do you think she can make it to the cotillion?" Ben asked.

"The fuck is that?" Angel asked raising his brow.

"It's kinda a big party." Ben explained.

"We'll see." Was all angel said before he walked back into the portal that will take him and Harmony to Hell.

"You don't really believe that do you?"

Ben turned to see Uma in the doorway and Mal's spell book in her hand.

Angel walked into the hotel with Harmony still in his arms.

"She drain all her powers again?" Husk asked.

"That's what the wimpy king said." Angel shrugged as he went into the library where he found Alastor and Hades. "She's back but she's asleep." Angel said as he laid her down on her favorite couch next to the fireplace.

Alastor chuckled as he moves her hair away from her face. "My cute little fawn."

Hades saw what Harmony had wrapped around her waist. "Hey, she brought me back my favorite scarf." Hades carefully unwrapped and the three demons heard something drop onto the floor. Looking down they saw Hades ember. Hades picked it up and stared at it in disbelief. "She got it... SHE GOT IT!" Hades growled angerly.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Angel asked.

"If she had my ember then she shouldn't be getting tired from using her powers anymore." Hades explained before he noticed something on her dress. Hades rubbed some of it off and rubbed his fingers together feeling what it is what just made him madder as he flamed up.

"What is it?" Angel asked.

"It's a very powerful formula created by the god of sleep. You would probably know it as sleeping mist." Hades explained.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now