Fear of Water

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Harmony's screams filled the whole hotel getting everyone's attention.

Alastor appeared in front of her in time for her to jump into his arms. Alastor stumbled back a little but he didn't fall and he fixed his arms around her. "Now now my darling little fawn, what has gotten you so upset."

Nifty ran over. "I'm so sorry Alastor, I spilled my mop bucket and Harmony got frightened when she saw the water."

"Now Harmony dear, you are safe the water won't get you." Alastor said calmly.

Hades looked at Angel as the two of them came over and saw what the problem was. "Even a little water scares her?"

Angel nods. "Yep. When she was a baby we could only give her towel baths until she learned how to just snap herself clean."

"Water doesn't hurt us." Hades said. "Maybe we can find out what triggered her fear."

"How?" Angel asked.

"My ember." Hades answered.

After a while, Alastor helped Harmony get calmer as Angel and Hades walked in.

"Alright kiddo, we're gonna see why water freaks you out so much." Hades told her.

"How?" Harmony asked.

"My ember will show us the memory of how it happened." Hades said showing it to her.

"Magic doesn't work on us." Harmony reminded him.

"The ember is special, its magic will work if you allow it to." Hades explained.

Harmony took a deep breath and laid back. "Alright."

Hades waved his ember over her a few times before he held it onto her forehead and the room filled with a blue light. Eventually, the three could see Harmony's memory appear.

"Who's that?" Angel asked when he saw a woman.

"That's my ex-wife." Hades said surprised. "Persephone."

The child in Persephone's arms started to cry and Persephone looked clueless on what to do.
Demeter grabbed the child from her. "Honestly Persephone, have you not been listening to what I have taught you about children?
The child's cries turned into screams and she burst into flames making Demeter scream and drop her. Poseidon quickly caught the child but then screamed at the burning and set her down harshly but not enough to hurt her.
"SHE'S A MONSTER TOO!!" Demeter screamed.
"I'm sure she didn't mean it, it's not her fault she's on fire." Persephone defended her daughter and wanted her back in her arms but she was still on fire.
"You're right, it's not her fault, it's her fathers, he passed down his evil to her." Her mother growled.
Poseidon summoned some water and soaked the child putting the fire out and now the child was screaming louder.
"Poseidon, how could you? That could have hurt her." Persephone gasped.

The three dads watched with wide eyes that even when the fire was out the water kept on coming. Hades quickly removed the ember from Harmony's head and flamed up. His child was terrified of water because of his own brother. 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now