Can't Be Part of Your World

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"What the hell!" Angel yelled. "Magic doesn't work on her!"

"This stuff isn't magic, the god of sleep made it so Gods can get some sleep before running the world." Hades explained. "Of course the idiot was sleeping when it was stolen from him from mortals."

"Who has done this to my child?" Alastor asked sinisterly

Hades scoffed. "Only one weirdo would make the mist purple."

"How long does this last?" Alastor asked.

"Eight hours."

"EIGHT HOURS!!" Angel screamed as Hades just nodded. One thing was for sure, Harmony was not gonna make the cotillion.

Eight hours later Harmony woke up and saw she was in her room at the hotel she also saw Angel Dust standing next to her. "Hey."

"Hey." Harmony sat up. "What happened?"

"That purple punk gave you sleeping mist." Angel explained.

"What is wrong with her?" Harmony groaned before she yawned.

"Sweetie, you and me really need to talk." Angel said as he sits next to her on the bed. "I don't want you going there no more."


"Don't mom me."


"Harmony." Angel narrowed his eyes at her.

"I promised I would get those kids off the isle."

"You'll have to find another way." Angel told her as he gently cupped her face with his hand. "Hon, everytime you get back from that place something happens to you, a coma and now this. There is just one thing I want you to be besides happy and that's safe. You're my whole world just please, think about yourself for once and if you won't do it for yourself do it for me and the rest of the family."

Harmony looked into Angel's mismatched eyes and knew he was hurting which made her sigh. "Alright."

Angel gave her a small smile and kissed her head. "That's my girl."

Alastor then appeared. "Are you alright my dearest."

"I'm fine." Harmony assured.

"Well I got some news for you. I just saw on the picture show that one of those island kids got off and caused quite the commotion."

"Do you know which one?" Harmony asked.

Alastor strokes his chin in thought. "I believe her name was um.. Suma?"

"Uma?!" Harmony asked surprised.

"Yes, that's it."

"You know her?" Angel asked.

Harmony nodded. "We were friends on the island, she's off?"

"She is and the whole kingdom is now hunting for her." Alastor replied.

"What?!" Harmony gasped. "But she's not a bad person, she just wants to get the kids off the island and get away from her mom."

"From what I saw dear she can handle herself." Alastor said before he pulled the covers on her again. "Why don't you just stay in bed for the rest of the night? I'll bring you up some dinner."

Angel kissed her head. "We'll see you later baby."

Alastor also kissed her head and walked out with Angel leaving Harmony in her room to think. Now she has to figure out how she's gonna help the island without going there.

Back in Auradon Belle and Adam ran up to Mal.

"Have you seen Ben?" Belle asked her.

"No." Mal told them.

"We can't find him anywhere, do you have any idea where he could be?" Adam asked her.

Mal thought for a moment before nodding and took them to the enchanted lake.

Ben was sitting at the lake, he knows what happened to Harmony, Uma told him and Mal admitted it. He let Harmony down again. He and Harmony weren't in love but they were like siblings and she was the only one that believed in him. He couldn't contact her because Uma took the instructions to summon her.

A tear slipped out of his eye and landed in the water, to his surprise the enchanted lake started to glow and Ben could see Harmony sitting on a bed in a room he's never seen.

"Harmony?" Ben asked surprised.

"Ben?" Harmony looked around the room but saw no one. "I must be hearing things."

"Harmony!" Ben said louder.

Harmony walked to her window and looked out but all she could see was Hell.

Ben stared down at her wishing she could see him.


So many nights I've dreamed a dream and I promise to keep
Tried to resist but it got so deep
And when you're next to me
You're still out of my reach
But I just can't do this without you
My soul turned dark, I seize the night
But you're the angel that show me the light
And I tried to be strong
But I still can't do this without you

I look into your heart and discover myself
I want you to be a part of my world
I need you, can't reach you
We're world's apart
Can you forgive me, look into your heart

You tame the beast
I'd do anything for you
You showed me a kind of love I never knew
I'll take the blame, my life's a shame
But I still can't do this without you

I look into your heart and discover myself
I want you to be a part of my world

I need you, can't reach you

We're world's apart
Can you forgive me, look into your heart


Don't wait for me
I'll never be part of your world
But I'm in your heart

I look into your heart and discover myself
But I'll never be a part of your world
I'll never forget you
We're world's apart
If you need me, look into your heart


I look into your heart and discover myself

But I'll never be a part of your world

I need you, can't reach you

We're world's apart
If you need me, look into your heart

Ben could then no longer see Harmony in the lake and he didn't see his parents or girlfriend behind him who saw the whole thing. And Harmony sat down at her window seat wondering what the heck just happened, unaware that Alastor's shadow heard the whole thing and went to go tell his master.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now