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"So you all get ready or whatever, I'm gonna go tell my family where I'm going." Harmony told Ben and the VKs.

"Are you sure they're gonna let you go?" Jay asked her.

"Nope." Harmony answered before snapping her fingers and disappearing.

"Radio Daddy! Daddy! Dad! I need to talk to you!" Harmony yelled as she appeared in the Hazbin hotel.

Angel and Alastor walked out of the kitchen together and Hades appeared next to her.

"What is it darling?" Alastor asked.

"Ben wants me to go to the Isle of the lost with him and some VKs." Harmony explained.

"You mean that shitty prison island you would have been trapped in if we hadn't have adopted you?" Angel asked.

"Yep." Harmony nodded.

"Why would they want you to go there?" Alastor asked.

"Who cares, she's not going." Angel said. "Hades, you lived there, tell her no. Back me up here."

"Wow, deja vu." Harmony blinked her eyes getting flashbacks of Angel telling her she can't go to the land of the living.

"Actually I think she should." Hades spoke up.

"Traitor!" Angel yelled.

"No, no I'm not happy about her going of course but there's something on that island I want back." Hades explained.

"What could be so fucking important?" Angel asked.

"My ember." Hades answered.

"A rock?" Angel asked in disbelief.

"My ember is the most powerful weapon on and off the isle. It holds almost all my powers and can reverse any spell." Hades answered.

"Doesn't sound like such a big deal, you are already very powerful my friend." Alastor told him.

"I don't want it for the power, I want it for Harmony." Hades answered.

"What?" Angel asked.

"If Harmony touches my ember it will make her powers stronger, so strong she won't get so tired after using them." Hades explained. "The ember only works for me and Harmony."

"I..." Angel sighed before wrapping his arms around Harmony. "I don't know, I mean yeah I don't like seeing her so tired after using her powers too much but a whole island full of evil assholes."

"Daddy." Harmony spoke up.

"Yes baby?" Angel asked her.

"We're in Hell." Harmony said.

"Trust me, the island is safer than Hell." Hades assured. "There's lots of kids on there that aren't even evil."

"Exactly." Harmony said. "I wanna see the island myself. I'm Ben's only supporter, shouldn't I see what I'm investing in?"

"Don't worry." Hades said. "She's still gonna have all her powers when she's on the island she just can't get out, but as long as she's with the prince she'll be safe there." Hades grinned down at Harmony. "You have my permission to go, I'll write down where you can find the ember."

"Al?" Angel turned to his husband.

Alastor rubbed his chin while he thought about it. "I can't say I like the idea, but I hate seeing my daughter so weak after too much use of her powers even more. I will allow you to go to this Isle of the damned."

"It's lost." Hades corrected him.

"Well, that just doesn't make any sense." Alastor said.

Angel sighed. "Alright, I'm outnumbered."

"I'll be ok mom. I swear." Harmony promised.

"Alright, I guess I can't be the ball and chain forever... Hey that sounds fun, Al I know what we're doing tonight." Angel grinned.

"Oh come on man!" Hades gagged. 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now