Fish and Chips

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"My dad is so cool." Harmony said to herself as she looked at the gates to where her dad use to live. It was locked but that didn't stop her. Harmony turned her whole body into smoke and easily went through the bars before turning back. She followed the instructions until she found it. Her dad's ember. Harmony slowly walked up to it and took a look at it. "This thing is the all powerful ember?" Harmony raised her brow. It was small and just looked like a blue rock. Shrugging her shoulders she reached out and grabbed it and right away a whole wave of power flew through her. She glowed a blinding blue that filled the whole cave with light. Harmony has never felt so strong her whole life. "Yep, that's diffinatly it." Harmony looked around and saw an old scarf hanging nearby. "A scarf? Really dad?" Harmony used the scarf as a sash and headed out as she tucked the ember into it.

It didn't take long before Mal ran up to her.

"Sup runaway." Harmony waved.

"Harmony, I need your help, Ben was kidnapped."

"Uh huh." Harmony said. "What? You're surprised? Ben promised the kids on this dump away out six months ago. If I lived here I'd wanna burn his ass too."

"Don't you care at all? After all he's done for you?" Mal asked shocked and angry.

"You should talk love potion." Harmony smirked. "Anyway, I told him not to come here but no one listens to the girl from Hell."

"Look, Uma won't give him back unless you and I go and meet her."

"Who's Uma?" Harmony asked.

"She's a punk but she took over the isle when I left and now she's out for revenge."

"Alright, I'll meet her and save Ben's ass, again." Harmony rolled her eyes and followed Mal but stopped.

"What's wrong?" Mal asked.

"We're getting pretty close to the water." Harmony gulped.

"Yeah, Uma's mom is Urusla."

"Am I suppose to know who that is?" Harmony glared at her.

"Urusla is a sea witch who stole a mermaid's voice."

"Nope, I'm out." Harmony turned to walk away but Mal pulled her back.

"What is up with you and water?" Mal asked.

"I'm fire, didn't they teach you that fire and water don't mix like in preschool or something?"

"We're not going in the water we're going to the fish and chip shop." Mal explained.

"I don't give a damn if we're going to LuLu world, it's too close to the water."

"LuLu world?"

"It's a theme park in Hell."

"There's theme parks in... Never mind." Mal shook her head. "Look, Ben is your friend right? He cares about you and he can't bring more kids out of here if he's fish food."

Harmony loudly groaned. "Stuff like this never happens at the hotel."

Mal held Harmony's hand until they got to the enterence of the fish and chip shop. "I'm back."

"I'm new here." Harmony waved.

Uma stared at the daughter of Hades, she's never seen anyone like her besides Hades himself of course. "Boys, get the goddess the VIP seat."

Harmony grinned at Uma, she's very proud of her title and to have someone announce it was quite faltering.

Uma walked up and held out her hand. "Daughter of Hades, it's a pleasure, I'm Uma."

"You can call me Harmony." Harmony said as she shook Uma's hand. "Damn, how long did it take for you to braid your hair like that?"

Uma chuckled. "About five hours."

Harmony took a look in Uma's soul and didn't really see the girl Mal described.

"We meet again young flame." Harry came out and bowed to her again.

"Hook." Harmony grinned. "Should have known you'd be here."

"You know him?" Mal asked her surprised.

"We had a delightful conversation after I saw her give Lady Tremaine a fright and it was quite...."

"Entertaining?" Harmony finished for him.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Harry grinned.

"Hi, I'm Gil." Gil ran over and gave Harmony a huge smile.

Harmony chuckled at his happiness, he almost reminded her of her aunt Nifty.

"Enough sucking up to MY friend, we're here for Ben." Mal stompped.

"RIght this way." Uma waved.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now