Outfit Swap

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"DAD DAD DAD!" Harmony ran up to Hades and took his hand. "Get out while you still can!"

"What's wrong?" Hades asked concerned.

"Aunt Charlie is about to have a staff meeting and her ideas are the worst!" Harmony said freaking out.

"Oh, there you two are." Charlie said as she walks over. "Hades, why don't you join us for our hotel meeting? After all you are part of the hotel family now."

"Not like I had anything better to do." Hades shrugged.

"Dad." Harmony begged.

"How bad can it be?" Hades shrugged as they followed her to the hotel lobby.

When everyone was there Charlie stood where everyone can see her.

"Ok guys, I have an idea." Charlie started.

"Big surprise." Angel mumbled.

"It would probably help us understand each other better." Charlie continued. "You know, walk a mile in each other's shoes as they say."

"The fuck does that mean?" Angel asked.

Five minutes later everyone was dressed just like Charlie.

"Well don't we look barely half decent today." Alastor says to Angel.

"Not bad yourself smiles." Angel replied with a big grin as the two admired each other.

"It's not straight." Nifty groaned as she tried fixing Husk's bowtie.

"It's bloody fine." Husk insisted.

"What is the point of these?" Harmony asked as she pulled on the suspenders.

"I'm a God, not a waiter." Hades mumbled.

"Oh my gosh, Vaggie look at them." Charlie then hugged Harmony tightly. "So cute!"

"Ease up on our niece hon." Vaggie said gently pulling her off.

Next outfit: Vaggie

Charlie and Harmony were both giggling while Angel pouted just like Vaggie.

"Don't encourage him you two." Vaggie growled.

"Why my dear Husker don't you look positively darling." Alastor chuckled.

"Yeah Husk, you really pull off that bow." Nifty added.

"Al get the fuck off me or I swear to Hades." Husk growled.

Hades was so mad about this one that his fair flamed up turning the big red bow into ashes.

Next outfit: Alastor

"Don't forget to smile my dear." Alastor reminds Vaggie.

Vaggies starts rolling up her sleeves. "We'll see who's smiling after I shove my foot up your ass."

"Uh hi." Charlie nervously waves at Nifty who is giving her a creepy grin. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Damn babe, how do your tits breath in this thing?" Angel asked.

"I don't think anything is supposed to breathe in this thing." Husk says as he pulls on the collar.

"Red is so not my color." Hades said.

"Radio daddy, this is too many layers." Harmony said.

Next outfit: Nifty

Vaggie and Nifty are having fun dancing around in the flowy dresses. "Ok, now in with a spin." Charlie giggles.

"You got it hon." Vaggie grinned as she spun her girlfriend.

"Well it's not the worst thing I've ever worn." Husk says.

"What is the worst?" Harmony asked her godfather.

"I'll tell you when you're older."

"Oh dear, who turned on this pesky fan?" Angel says as he poses like Marilyn Monroe as this skirt blows up.

"WHAT THE?!" Hades quickly covers Harmony's eyes and his own while Al stands there blushing.

Next outfit: Angel Dust

"Why are your faces all red?" Nifty ask Charlie and Vaggie who are trying to cover their chest.

"Rocking your boob window there babe." Angel winks at Alastor.

"My what now?!" Alastor shouts.

"How in the hell do you gals walk in these bloody things?" Husk asked.

"Daddy, did I get the chest right?" Harmony asks.

"AH!" Hades quickly takes off the jacket he's wearing and uses it to cover Harmony's chest.

Next outfit: Hades

"I feel like such a badass." Angel says.

"Hmm, I suppose this is alright." Alastor shrugs.

"Oh Vaggie, this makes me wanna sing a rock song." Charlie squealed.

"Maybe later hon." Vaggie grinned.

"I could get used to this." Husk said.

"I could never clean in this." Nifty complained.

Harmony jumps into Hades arms making him chuckle.

Next outfit: Harmony

"Wow Vaggie, this is so comfortable." Charlie grinned. "So much room."

"A little too much room." Vaggie mumbled not liking that so much of her leg was showing.

"I actually feel quite stylish." Angel said as she struts like a model.

"I'm so tall!" Nifty gasps.

"AH!" Husks ends up on the floor cause of the very high boots and long dress.

"Hmm, darling I should take you out shopping for new shoes." Alastor said uncomfortable in the boots as well.

"Forget about the shoes! Get her a whole new wardrobe!" Hades says as he tries to close the slit.

"Oh come on dad, you were just in mom's mini skirt." Harmony rolled her eyes.

Next outfit: Husk

Charlie whimpers as she uses her hair to hide her privates as she and Vaggie blush hard. "Maybe I should have thought this one through."

"That's fucking cheating!" Vaggie yells at Alastor and Nifty who are wearing Cat onesies.

"Honey, does this hat make my butt look big?" Angel asked.

Alastor quickly stood in front of Angel. "Honestly darling, show some class."

"Class? You're such a prude." Angel scoffed. "Hey Hades! Harmony where are you?"

"WE'RE NOT COMING OUT!!" Hades shouts.  

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now