Back to Auradon

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Meanwhile in Auradon Evie knocked on the door to Ben's study. "Ben?"

"Evie." Ben smiled as he stood up from his desk. "Come on in."

"Mal has gone back to the Isle." Evie said softly full of worry and sadness as she hands Ben a note and his ring he gave Mal when he became king.

"This is my fault." Ben almost cried. "This is my fault I blew it! She's been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding I just went all beast on her! I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg her to come back."

"Ben you'll never find her, you need to know the Isle and how it works.... You have to take me with you."

"Yes!" Ben turned to her. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, she's my best friends. I'll get the boys because there's safety in numbers and none of us is really popular over there right now."


"But let's get three things straight." Evie looked him in the eyes. "You need to promise me that I won't get stuck there again."

"I promise." Ben swore.

"And there's no way you're going looking like that."

"Sure, and what about the last thing?"

"The Isle is dangerous and I'm sure we won't be welcome there, we need someone with powers and the only one that can have powers on the island is.."

"A God." Ben finished for her.

"Or Goddess." Evie finished.

"Harmony." Ben realized before he started looking through his desk. "I kept that paper she gave me, I can summon her. Think she'll help us?"

"She has to, we need Mal back." Evie said.

"Found it." Ben said as he finds the symbol Harmony gave him last time she was in Auradon. "I've been wanting to bring her back for a visit but never got to it."

"I've been wanting to see her too." Evie admitted. "Hope she's ok."

Ben got a marker and wrote the symbol on the fireplace and read what to do. "Harmony." Nothing happened. "Did I do it wrong? Harmony? Harmony? Harmony Dust!"

"Alright already!" Harmony was standing in the doorway. "I heard ya the first time."

"Harmony." Evie smiled and hugged her. "Wow, you look great."

"Mom would freak out if I don't." Harmony shrugged then looked at Ben. "Ben, how is it being King?"

"It's... it's been alright."

"Well it's been six months, how many kids have you taken off the island?" Harmony asked.

Ben and Evie then froze.

"If you took four every two weeks you'd have at least 48 right?" Harmony turned back to them. "That why ya called? Got a VK giving ya trouble? Let me at them."

"No actually, um we called you because Mal ran away to the island." Evie explained.

Harmony shrugged her shoulders. "So Mal went back to the island, big deal. Just ask if she wants to come back the next time you pick up the next kids. So can I meet some?"

"Harmony..." Ben choked on what he wants to say.

"Ben hasn't gotten to bring any more kids." Evie explained.

"What?" Harmony asked.

"I'm sorry, it's just with being a new king and all I didn't get to it." Ben explained.

"IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS BEN!" Harmony yelled flaming up with anger. "Six months! My aunt turned a whole abandoned building into a rehabilitation hotel in less time than that. What the hell have you been doing? Having dinner with kings and queens and buying gifts for Mal?" When she saw Ben's face she got her answer. "You've been having dinner with kings and queens and buying gifts for Mal! You son of a bitch! I can't believe I trusted you!"

"Harmony, I screwed up." Ben admitted.

"You know what, my dad Hades, remember him?" Harmony asked. "These six months he and I have been getting closer and closer, we have so much in common but he always told me you wouldn't follow through on your promise. You might not have been the one who put those kids on the island but you're the one keeping them there now. My dad was right, you might not be your dad but you are still a beast."

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now