Harmony Chooses a Side

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"This place still stinks." Mal said to Uma ask she sits down.

"Oh I'm sorry, we're down a butler princess." Uma said sarcastically.

Harmony sat on a bar stool nearby watching how this plays out.

"Where is he?" Mal demanded.

"You know, I dreamed of this. You wanting something from me and I'm watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." Uma chuckled.

"I'm so flattered you dream of me, I haven't given you a thought since I left." Mal grinned.

"Ouch." Harmony mumbled.

Uma slammed her hand down on the table. "Obviously, you have your perfect little life don't you? Doesn't she have the perfect life? And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

"Listen if you have some kind of score to settle with me game on! I see no need to bring Ben into this." Mal snapped.

"You don't?" Harmony raised her brow. "Do you just ignore everything I say."

"It may be a little unnecessary." Uma agreed. "But oh it is so much fun. Here's the deal."

"Just like your mother, always a catch." Mal mocked.

"If you win, Ben is free to go." Uma sat on a chair from one of her own tables and got her arm ready for arm wrestling.

"My money's on Uma." Harmony announced.

"Harmony!" Mal yelled.

"What?" Harmony asked shrugging. "She does sword fighting and carries trays all day and you... Well ya got noodle arms."

Uma laughed along with everyone else. "I love this girl." Uma chuckled before turning back to Mal. "Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming." Mal glared.

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had things all sewn up to huh? How'd it work out for her again?"

"On three." Harmony interrupted as the whole restaurant got closer but not too close. "Three."

Uma and Mal begun.

"You know that whole princess act?" Uma said to Mal. "Never bought it for a second, you can stick a tiara on a villain but you're still a villain."

"And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy." Mal replied back using the embarrassing nickname they once made the whole island call Uma.

Uma gasped as Mal's eyes started to glow green and Uma's hand was just inches away from touching the table.

Uma then started to chuckle. "If I win.... you bring me the wand."

Mal gasped surprised and lost her focus making Uma get an easy win.

"Hell yeah!" Harmony cheered. "Who called it?!"

"You called it." Gil grinned as Harry laughed.

"Now if you want beasty boy back bring me the Fairy Godmother's wand, at my ship tomorrow at noon.... sharp. Oh and if you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye." Uma mocked Mal before walking up to Harmony.

"Thanks alot Harmony." Mal glared.

"Hey I can respect someone with this kind of passion." Harmony shrugged.

"I would like to offer you a spot on my crew." Uma told Harmony.

Harmony chuckled a little. "Sorry but that can't happen, I'm not a pirate, the water and I don't get along and I have three insanely overprotective dads who want me home asap."

"Harmony, lets go." Mal demanded.

"Cool it bitch, I wanna stay here for a bit." Harmony glared.

"You're not serious." Mal gasped.

"I am." Harmony nodded.

"Why?" Mal asked.

"Why?" Harmony glared as she got up and started walking closer to Mal. "Because, in the little time I've been here do you have any idea how many innocent souls I've seen? I had a starving little girl try to pit pocket me, I had to save another one from her bitch of a grandma, I want these kids off so if I was you Mal I'd get that wand."

"Harmony, Ben's life is in danger!" Mal stomped her foot.

"I've given up on Ben Mal, but I haven't given up on his dream." With that Harmony sat down with Uma and her crew. "And you better hurry, if I'm not home by my cerfew you're gonna have Hades and a ton of demons looking for me. You've met my parents but they might bring the rest of our family including the princess of Hell so I wouldn't be standing there with your mouth dropped if I was you." 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now