First Steps on the Isle of the Lost

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Harmony groaned. "Can't this thing go faster?"

"We're not even driving that far." Jay reminded her as he pointed to the island coming up.

"It's slow to me, I teleport everywhere and my mom doesn't have a drivers license so I've never been in a car before." Harmony explained before chuckling. "A goddess in the back seat of a limo. Sounds like the start of a bad joke."

"So um.. Harmony." Carlos spoke up. "It's been a while."

"Yep, six months." Harmony agreed.

"How's it going?" Carlos asked. "With the whole Hades and Hell thing."

"Fine." Harmony answered. "I've been getting a lot done while you all have been doing squat."

"Harmony how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Ben sighed.

"I'm pissed Ben, part of me not being able to lie is I can't hide my emotions or just say I'm fine so if you want to be spared of my wrath, insults and and sass then shut up." Harmony said silencing everyone.

When Jay parked the limo he and Carlos started covering it with tarp. "Oh yeah that's really gonna fool people." Harmony said with an eyeroll.

"Got a better idea?" Jay asked.

Harmony snapped her fingers and removed the tarp to show the limo was now invisible.

"How did you do that?" Evie asked amazed. "Magic doesn't work on the island."

"Because what I have isn't magic, it's a goddess birthright. Didn't my dad ever show off his magic while he was here?" Harmony asked.

"Hades never really came out of the underworld." Carlos explained.

"Whatever, I'll see you later." Harmony turned to walk away.

"Wait." Evie grabbed her arm. "You're not coming with us to find Mal?"

"No, why should I?" Harmony asked.

"Isn't that why you came with us?" Ben asked.

"I'm here to see the island and to get something that belongs to my dad. This would have been my home if I wasn't adopted by demons I'm gonna check it out."

"What about Mal?" Evie asked.

"She came here on her own, she can stay for all I care, it was her choice and if you were her friends you would respect that. Instead of focusing on one VK that doesn't want off you should be focusing on the VKs that want off." Harmony pulled her arm away from Evie and took out the map Hades drew for her. "Oh and I'll be taking this." Harmony snapped her fingers and the remote that opens the barrier appeared in her hand.

"Harmony." Ben tried to say.

"You lost my trust Ben." Harmony snapped. "All of you did, every action has a price. It's why so many people are on this island now it's your turn." Harmony walked out and this time no one stopped her.

Every now and then Harmony's eyes went to the map the rest were at the people on the island staring at her. Makes sense since no one knew Hades had a kid. Feeling that a soul was right next to her she turned to see a little girl.

"Brave soul." Harmony grinned. "Sorry kid I don't have pockets." Harmony bent down to her and got a good look at her soul. "Hungry?" Harmony snapped her fingers and a sandwich appeared in her hand before she gave it to the girl. Harmony didn't like that this kid was wearing rags and a dirty face covered in dust and dirt. She was this age once and it was full of love but this kid sleeps outside and parents barely caring. "I will help you, I promise." Harmony got up and continued on her quest to find her father's ember.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now