Ben, Harmony, and the Pirates

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Jay and Carlos quickly made their way back to the limo but when they got there they saw Harmony was sitting on it and it's still invisible. "Sup boys, I was wondering when you'd show up."

"We don't have time for this Harmony, we gotta get to Auradon." Jay groaned.

"Well how did you expect to do that without this?" Harmony asked as she showed them the remote.

Carlos loudly groaned. "We forgot about that."

"Yeah." Harmony rolled her eyes and threw it at Jay before she slid off the limo and made it visible again. "Drive safe."

"Why are you doing this Harmony?" Jay asked. "I thought you were on our side."

"Well I was, but you know what in some ways I understand. You four have been so miserable your whole lives that once you found happiness in Auradon you got rid of the bad memories of this place. But that's still no excuse. I hate this stupid island and Ben's dad for making it. Just get the wand and get back here."

"Harmony, you don't know Uma." Carlos said.

"No, you don't know her, or Gil or Harry. I looked into all of their souls and they're just desperate kids that want the same freedom you have. They're not bad people, they're spitting images of you. Now get your asses in that limo so we can deal with this shit."

"Why can't you just save Ben?" Jay asked. "He's your friend."

"They're not hurting him, he's on Uma's ship having a very long time out until Uma wants to talk to him." Harmony rolled her eyes. "Now go, I need to be back in Hell before the sunsets or else Auradon is gonna have a demon invasion." With that said Harmony snapped her fingers and left the boys alone.

Harmony appeared back at the chip shop only to see Gil. "Hey, where is everybody?"

"Uma went to go talk to Ben and she wants you to join them."

"I can't." Harmony sighed.

"Why not?"

"I'm terrified of water." Harmony admitted.

"Hey that's ok, the boat is totally safe." Gil assured her. "We can walk there together."

"I don't know." Harmony gulped.

"It will be ok, I promise." Gil said as he held her to him. To his surprise Harmony wrapped her legs around his waist and cling to him. "Ok, that works to." Gil shrugged and tighted his grip on her as he walked to the ship. He could feel Harmony shaking in fear. "Hey it's alright, I won't let you go."

"Harmony?!" Ben yelled. "What did you do to her? Let her go!"

"Gil, what are you doing?" Uma asked.

"Helping her, she's scared of the water." Gil said.

"You ok lass?" Harry asked.

Gil gently put Harmony down and Uma walked over. "Deep breaths girl."

Harmony kept her eyes shut as Uma rubbed her back til she opened them. "So... this is a boat."

"You've never been on a boat?" Gil asked.

"Lucifer showed me his yatch once but my parents and I never went in it. My mom hates water and my radio daddy gets sea sick."

"Lucifer? The cat?" Gil asked.

"What? No." Harmony scoffed.

"Harmony are you ok?" Ben asked from the mass he was tied to.

"I thought you said you were keeping him locked in a room." Harmony said to Uma.

"We're just having a friendly talk, plus he should get a veiw of what we live on." Uma said as she stood in front of the king.

"I get that you don't deserve this." Ben said making Uma laugh.

"This island is a prison thanks to your father." Uma snapped. "And don't pretend you're looking out for me, the only one who shown she wants to look out for me." Uma pointed to Harmony. "Is that girl right there."

"So this isn't your mom's plan?" Ben asked.

"Ben what the hell?" Harmony glared.

"My mom doesn't care about me either, well unless she needs someone for the night shift." Uma sighed.

"Ouch." Ben mumbled.

"Want me to go in there and scare the bitch out of her?" Harmony asked Uma.

"Thanks for the offer girl but not right now." Uma smiled at Harmony before looking back at Ben. "And I don't need your pity."

"No you certainly don't." Ben agreed. "You're very resourceful. I don't see you tied up."

"Alright, lets trash talk Mal." Uma chuckled.

"I rather talk about you." Ben grinned.

"Funny and a gentleman." Uma smiled.

"Set me free and we can go back together."

"Oh so now I get an invite? Gee I wonder why." Uma growled. "When you brought Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay to Auradon that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad."

"I never thought about it like that before." Ben admitted.

Harmony flamed up at that. "Are you kidding me?! Are you fucking kidding me Ben? What the fucking Hell?" Harmony stomped up to Ben. "How did you think the kids you didn't pick on this island were gonna feel huh? I would have been one of these kids if Hades knew about me. My grandma gave me to Hell because she thought I was an evil monster not caring at all that she gave me to a cannibal and a drug addict. But you know what? I would choose Sin City Hell over this dump. At least in Hell we have things like wifi, power, even decent food!" To prove her point Harmony grabbed one of the pirate's lunch and threw it in front of Ben.

Ben looked horrified at the dead slimy eels that were dirty and already flys were already on it.

Harmony slammed her hand down right by Ben's head. "You hurt the people you didn't pick. I agreed with you to start off small and take only a few kids off at a time before bringing more over but you stopped only at four."

"I'm so sorry." Ben said honestly. "I still care about you Harmony, a lot. You're still my little sister that believed in my dream when no one else did. I promise, I'll do better."

Before Harmony could say anything everyone heard a loud splash and Harry running over to the side of the ship. "GIL!!"

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now