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As Harmony continued her walk something caught her eyes. "Curl up and Dye." The name made Harmony lightly chuckle. "Sounds like a place we'd have in Hell."

The doors then swung open and an old woman came out holding a girl tightly by her arm. "Granny, I'm sorry but he's so much bigger than me and he would have hurt me if I hadn't given him the money."

"You are such an embarrassment Dizzy, just like your mother, you'll be doing the double shift with no breaks." The old woman said as she grabbed a broom and held it out to her.

Harmony grabbed the broom and used her strength to break it in half which startled the old woman and Dizzy.

"You must be the wicked stepmother." Harmony said. "Or I see you moved up to wicked grandmother, seriously don't you have a life?" Harmony smiled down at Dizzy gently before turning to the grandmother with a glare. "Ya know, you should be grateful. If I was Cinderella or this little girl I would have taken this broom and told you where you can shove it." Harmony burned the broom in her hands before continuing her walk.

"I must say, I enjoyed that show."

Harmony stopped and looked to see a guy dressed like a pirate leaning against one of the buildings. Harmony looked into this guys soul and saw nothing too bad in him so she decided to just continue walking only for him to step in front of her.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. That was an invitation for a chit chat." The pirate said as he bowed to her. "Harry Hook."

"I don't have much time so make it quick." Harmony said.

The pirate then raised the hook he was holding in his hand and ran it through her hair. "I didn't know Hades had a kid."

"Yeah well, neither did he until about six months ago." Harmony shrugged.

Harry narrowed his brows confused before realization hit him. "Wait a minute, I know you. You're the one that defeated Maleficent in Auradon."

"Yep that's me." Harmony nodded.

"So you saved Auradon and they still sent you here?" Harry asked.

"No, I'm here to just pick up some of my dad's stuff." Harmony explained.

"And where would you go after that?" Harry asked curiously.


Harry chuckled at that but then saw the very serious look on her face. "Wait? What?"

"I live in Hell dude. Look I'd love to chat but I really got to get going, I have a curfew and an overprotective family waiting for me to get back."

"Well I shall hate to keep Hades waiting." Harry said before he raised her hand and gave it a small kiss. "Until next time my little flame."

"More charming than prince Charming himself." Harmony said to herself before she continued to get the ember,

Harry hurried over to Ursula's restaurant. "Uma!"

Uma looked up from Gil and turned to her first mate. "Harry, Gil just told me some interesting news. Not only is Mal here but so is her gang and the king."

"Yeah man, I saw them with my own eyes." Gil grinned even though he had an eye in his mouth.

"Well I just met someone just as interesting." Harry said as he walked over.

"Who might that be?" Uma asked.

"The daughter of Hades." Harry said.

"Hades doesn't have a daughter." Gil said confused.

"Turns out he does." Harry said. "Remember we were watching the television and we saw Maleficent getting defeated."

"Oh her?" Gil said with wide eyes.

"Wait, the one that turned Maleficent into a lizard, that was Hades daughter? How come we've never seen her before?" Uma asked.

"Apparently she didn't grow up on the island." Harry explained.

"Well where is she from then? No way would Boradon have allowed Hades child to grow up there." Uma pointed out.

"That's the interesting part." Harry said. "She's not from Auradon either."

"Olympus then?" Gil asked. "Or the Underworld."


"Well spit it out Hook, where?" Uma demanded.

"Hell." Harry answered.

"Whoa." Gil said with wide eyes.

"I want that girl on my crew. I don't know how but get her here." Uma demanded.

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of Hades 2Where stories live. Discover now