Play date

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Freddie had to head down to the studio for the day and as Olivia was bored Robert and Rosie came over. Phoebe was in charge of looking after the three kids for the day but he kind of fell asleep.

"Shall we draw a moustache on Phoebe?" Robert asked looking between the two girls. The girls wouldnt stop nodding as Robert found a permenant marker.

The three krept downstairs and found Phoebe asleep in the living room. Robert got to work with the art as the girls forced themselves not to laugh. Once he finished they rushed back upstairs and couldnt wait for his reaction.

"Whats it like being the children of Queen?" Rosie asked. She seemed a little disappointed about not being a child of Queen. "Its amazingly fun" Robert overexaggerated.

"Its just like having a father, maybe worse to be honest. The press collar you and its not fun when that happens" Olivia explained. Rosie understood how that proberly felt but her mind was somewhere else.

Rosie could see how close Olivia and Robert were and thought about how much they would make a cute couple. Rosie tried to take her mind off it but couldnt. The two would laugh at each others jokes and did a lot between the two of them, including Rosie of course.

"Rose you okay?" Robert asked snapping Rosie out of her daze. "Eh yeah" Rosie replied

Phoebe then appeared the the bedroom door with the mail in hand. He clearly hadnt looked in the mirror as he wasnt phased by it.

"Miss Mercury theres a letter here for you" Phoebe said handing Olivia a letter. She thanked him before he left, closing the door behind him.

The three burst out laughing at how oblivious Phoebe had been. Olivia tore the letter open and instantly look at who it was from. "Its from Prenter" she said aloud.

"Read it" Rosie said

"Dear Olivia Bulsara Mercury. I hope you realise how youve made my life a living hell. I want to thank you for lying that day and letting your stupid brainless dad believe you. Clearly i was telling the truth but your dad broke up with me cos of you. I want your life to be exactly like mine and that Robert kid, nah you will never be his wife" Olivia read aloud. She looked between the two kids before her.

"I wasnt planning on being with you, i just thought we could be friends" Robert muttered.

"You need to tell your dad" Rosie said. Olivia nodded in reply as she threw the letter to the side.

About half an hour later Olivia was stood by the window stroking Jerrys fur when she noticed a postman arrive. She began rushing downstairs, Robert and Rosie close behind. She ran outside and to the letter box and pulled out the parcel, adressed to her. They gathered round her as she opened it. There was a smalled box inside with holes in and a note.

"Hey Olivia, this is part one of hell" Olivia read aloud "From Paul"

Olivia tore it opened and found an alive gigantic tarantula. Olivia let out a scream before dropping the box. Robert and Rosie began backing up as the house gates opened. Freddie drove in and soon noticed the three kids. "What happend?" Freddie asked rushing over.

Olivia pointed to the spider which was still in he box. "Its from Prenter". Freddie bent down and picked it up. "Why would he do this?" Freddie wondered aloud.

Then the spider began moving with cause Freddie to drop it. The kids stepped back even more, Robert at the front, as Freddie began stomping on it to kill it. Then Phoebe exited, not realising he had pen all over his face. Freddie looked at him and burst out laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Phoebe asked looking between them all. "Phoebe dear theres eh, have you looked in the mirror?" Freddie asked. Phoebe looked confused as he looked between them all. "Clearly you havent" Freddie said

Freddie handed Phoebe a mirror out of his pocket before looking to the kids. "Yeah we kinds did it" Robert owned up. Freddie urst out laughing while the kids expected to get told off.

They exchanged looks of surprise while Phoebe couldnt decide if he should laugh or tell them off. After deciding to laugh they all ende dup laughing before Freddie pulled Phoebe inside to clean the pen off his face. Olivia went to find the letter to give to her father while John rang saying he would be over in a moment to pick Robert up. Freddie looked through the letter before to Olivia.

"When did this arrive?" Freddie asked. "When you were out" Olivia replied "Im scared". Freddie walked over to his daughter and pulled her into a hug. "I wont let anything happen to you"

Olivia smiled into his shoulder as John walked in. Michael was at Johns heels and Olivia ran over to greet him. Freddie pulled John into the music room to shoe him the letter. Johns mouth dropped open as he read it.

"Are you sure this wasnt one of Olivias prank?" John asked looking up to Freddie. "She wouldnt do something like that" Freddie replied crossing his arms.

"Were taking her to the studio next time, we cant leave her alone. With the letter and the spider, Pauls gone to far now" John said as Freddie nodded in agreement

John seemed more worried then Freddie. Freddie knew that Paul could only go so far but John knew he was unstopable. John knew they had to do everything to stop Paul but didnt know how.

That night Olivia was that scared Paul would do something she slept with her dad. He held her round the waist as she had her back to him. Jerry laid on the bed next to Olivia as she kept her hand on his fur. "I promise i wont let anything happen to you" Freddie said as his daughter wouldnt stop shaking. 

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