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Olivia was now 10 and she couldnt wait for live aid. Freddie promised her that Robert would be there and that she could take Rosie with her. Unfortunately Rosie couldnt make it and Robert wasnt feeling too well.

"Daddy what songs are you doing?" Olivia asked as they drove to Wembley. "Youll find out my little dove, i want to keep it as a surprise" Freddie replied making Olivia sulk.

As they arrived they parked next to Rogers car where he was unloading equipment. Olivia took Roger by surprise and hugged him from behind. Roger let out a high pitched screeched while turning round. "Hey Liv" Roger said

"Hello Uncle Rog" Olivia replied as Freddie helped grab some of Rogers equipment.

They headed towards the trailer where they settled down to wait for the concert. "Whos excited?" Roger asked looking between them all. They all gave him funny looks.

They quickly ran through the set list before they were called on stage. "Liv do you want to come with us backstage or stay here?" Freddie asked. "Imma stay here for  minute then head out, ill find my way" Olivia replied

Olivia had begun to get indipendant as she would be starting secondary school soon. Freddie gave Olivia a quick kiss before running off. Olivia listened to them go strait into Bohemian Rhapsody as she prepared to go out and stand backstage with Jim.

Olivias pov (A/n: i will be doing most of the rest of the fan fic in Olivias pov with a few changes):

As i left the trailer i noticed Paul out of the corner of my eye. A little nervous i set off running, looking back to see where Paul was. I didnt noticed the rock that my foot collided with sending me flying forwards. I put my arm out to break my fall but soon regretted the desicion. I looked up as tears cluded my view to see someone running towards me. The person knelt down in front of me and wiped away my tears. I then realised it was david Bowie.

"Olivia its okay, ive got you" David said pulling me into a light hug. I didnt even know how he knew my name but he did.

David pulled away and gently touched my arm. "Does that hurt?" He asked as i nodded.

David helped me up before taking me backstage. We came across Jim who looked seriously worried.

"Jim im taking Olivia to the hospital, when they come off stage can you tell Freddie?" David asked. "Course" Jim replied making sure i was okay.

David led me to his car before helping me in. David drove as quickly as he could to get me to the hospital. When we arrived he carefully helped me out to not damage my arm before getting me inside. They instantly took an x-ray before we had to wait for the results.

"You may not remeber when we first met but it was actually youre first day at nursery and i went for dinner with you and Queen" David said

It all made sense now but i still didnt remember. "No im sorry but i dont remember it" I said. "Its okay, i didnt expect you to. I just hoped to see you again".

David was literally a hero of mine and at this moment he was a physical hero. I knew my arm was broken as if he wasnt there i would still be laying on the floor in pain.

"Thank you for helping me" I said. "Why wouldnt i, you dont need to thank me" David replied.

I softly smiled at him as the doctor entered. We looked towards him as my stomach began doing flips.

"Im afraid your arm if broken, its not that bad but we will still nee to align it" the doctor said. My suspicions were correct but i didnt know what to do.

They began taking me down to the operating theatre as my fear of needles grew worse. I tried called out to David but he had to let them fix my arm. They needed to inject me with anisthetic to knock me out but i kept squirming away.

"Were not going to hurt you" the surgion had to comfort. "I just dont like needles" I replied.

"Its okay, just look to me" she advised. I did as she said as i felt a pinch in my arm.

It didnt hurt like i thought but then it began kicking in. My eyes slowly closed to let the surgions do their magic.

When it was over my eyes slowly opened to the hospital room. I began to sit up, with a little help from David. My dad and Uncles werent there yet but i presumed that they were on their way.

"Wheres dad?" I asked. "Hes still on stage at the moment honey" David replied making sure i was okay.

About ten minutes later the guys came running in and my dad pulled me into a hug. "What happened?" He asked sitting down by the bed.

"I went to go backstage and watch you and i noticed Prenter out of the corner of my eye. I began running towards the backstage area to get to Uncle Jim but i tripped over a rock. Luckily David noticed what happened" I replied. "Prenter" my dad huffed

Roger came over and sat next to David before taking my non injured hand in his. "It will be okay" Roger said. "Thank you Uncle Rog".

When i was discharged David came back to garden lodge with us. He promised that if i ever needed looking after David could look after me. By the time i went to bed i had adopted him as my Uncle. I was slightly gutted that i didnt watch the performance but Jim said he did film it for me to watch.

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