6th birthday

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They had now arrived in Paris and for Olivia's birthday they were taking her to Disney land. Olivia was that excited that Robert was in charge of keeping her calm. What she didn't know was that Rosie and her family were flying over to meet them there. Freddie had never earned a birthday to be more perfect but this was going to be something else.

"Daddy look look" Olivia said jumping up and down while gesturing to a version of Donald Duck. "I know darling" Freddie replied holding tightly onto Olivia's hand so she didn't escape.

Firstly Olivia ran over to the Guardians Of The Galaxy ride. Unfortunately for her she wasn't quite tall enough so Brian and Freddie went on for her. While watching them stumble off she was quite glad she didn't go on. They looked drunk and like they were about to throw up as they made their way towards the group. Then Roger took Olivia and Robert on the Snow White ride. During the whole ride Roger had one child burying their head into his side on his left and the other on his right.

"It's okay" Roger tried to comforted but in fact he was terrified out of his skin.

When they got off the ride they still had their heads buried into Roger and he looked like hed seen a ghost. Freddie grabbed Olivia and John grabbed Robert. Roger tried to get a hug from Brian but Brian pushed him away.

"That was even scary for me, jesus bloody christ" Roger said, muttering the last part. "Childish" Brian muttered receiving a slap from Roger.

They then decided to move on and go on the water flume. "I dont wanna go on" Freddie wined. "Daddy please" Olivia begged pulling him.

"Come on Fred, youll regret it if you dont" John begged. "If not for us then Liv" Brian added. "Fine" Freddie agreed.

They left all their stuff in the designated area before waiting in line to go on the water flume. Olivia and Robert sat on their dads laps during it and quite enjoyed it. Freddie on the other hand cowered behind Olivia so he didnt get wet. Roger sat at the front and took the full extent of the water thrown at them. When they got off Roger looked like a drowned rat, Brian like a drowned poodle and John looking depressed. Freddie didnt say a word to anyone as he left the ride and grabbed their bags.

"Fred cheer up mate" Roger said clapping him on the back. "Rog leave me alone" Freddie said shaking his hair to try an dry it. "Daddy why you so sad?" Olivia asked approaching. "Its nothing my little dove" Freddie said picking her up.

The others rolled their eyes while walking off. Olivia and Robert ran off to a local shop to get Mickey ears. Freddie and John bought the two many gifts over the day. At one point one ride was playing Anothe One Bites The Dust from the new album.

"Yes" John cheered. "Calm down dad" Robert said as he dad started singing "And please dont sing, its an embarassment". John shut his mouth, seeming offended.

They then ended up on another rollercoaster which Olivia and Robert really didnt like. Olivia ended up holding tightly onto Roger and Robert his dad. "Its okay honey" Freddie comforted Olivia from the other side of her to Roger.

"Are you guys worried, im a little concerned" Roger siad turning to his band mates (A/n: i had to make a Cory Monteith referance when he was on that rollercoaster)

The others nodded as theytried to comfort the children. When the ride ended they decided to treat the kids to lunch. Olivia and Robert really wanted to go through the haunted house but Roger and Brian instantly backed out. Freddie and John being the best dads ever decided to take them. When they entered Robert and Olivia surprisingly liked it but did feel a little scared. Things kept jumping out at them as they walked past.

"If you get scared just say" John said. He was clearly scared as he held tight onto Robert. Then they felt two people approach them. Turning round the four let out a scream to see Roger and Brian.

During the rest of the ride Roger kept screaming like a girls while the others found it okay. When they left Roger had almost lost his voice from screaming and the others kept giving him weird expressions.

After a long day of fun they headed back to their hotel where the kids fell strait to sleep on Roger, Roger soon copying. "Look at them three" Brian said. "They look so cosy" Freddie agreed.

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