Coming clean

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"Look Liv we need to talk" my dad said reaching fo the tv remote.

I sat up as my dad closed the living room door. "This is about why ive been acting off and why David is living with us" my dad carried on

He sat down on the coffee table opposite me, grabbing onto my hands. "AIDS is a deadly desease which basically destroys your immune system. It doesnt exactly kill you but if you have AIDS and catch anything then you can die basically as your body cant fight off the desease" my dad began.

Now i knew how bad this was i knew what was coming. "Your body aches and you cough up blood, it really isnt nice but i must tell you one thing. I have it" my dad said.

I knew he was going to say it but i wasnt prepared enough. This horrible desease was taking my dad slowly. I couldnt even bare to think about it, it was just too much.

"When i go i want you to be in the care of David and thats why hes been spending a lot of time with us, so he gets to know you better and know the simple things about you" my dad carried on. I just nodded as i forced tears back. "When i do go i dont want you to stop everything to mourn and greive, i understand a little bit of mourning but i dont want you to spend ages. I want you to carry on and live youre life as you would normally. And between now and then i dont want youre sympathy i just want to go out and make music"

I nodded in understanding. "How long have you had it?" I asked. "The day Jerry died i found out" my dad replied. "W-Why didnt you tell me?" I began sobbing not being able to hold back the tears. "Because i wasnt prepared to tell you i wont be around forever, i dont even want to tell myself. I might not see you in youre prom dress or wedding dress" my dad replied.

"Dad i must tell you something" I said wiping away the tears. "Dont tell me you have AIDS too" my dad begged making me crack a smile. "No, its about wedding stuff. Me and Robert are together" I announced. "I knew you two would make an amazing couple, i just want him to look after you" my dad comgratulated.

We exchanged hugs before i decided to head to bed. As i entered Delilah came and rubbed up against my ankle. I shut the door before picked her up and slumped down on the bed. I began crying again knowing i didnt have long left with my dad. I didnt even get under the covers as i cried into Delilahs soft fur. I didnt even notice the door open or anyone step in until they took my shoes off and began pulling the duvet from under me.

"Dont get upset" my dad said clambering into bed with me. "I love you so much daddy" I muttered rolling over to face him letting Delilah escape. "I love you too" my dad replied just before we drifted off to sleep.

A/n: im sorry its such a short sad chapter but i had to write it at some point. The next few chapters arent going to be the happpiest but they will get better trust me.

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