The Works tour

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Olivia was now 9 and the guys were really struggling to pick her up now. They were taking her, Robert and Rosie on the tour with them as the three were now the best of friends. While sat in the hotel room the three were bored and it was up to Roger to entertain them while the other three did soundcheck. Roger did anything and everything to entertain them, most of it was mistakes he made which made the laugh. He tried grabbing something out of the wardrobe and everything tumbled out and pushed him to the floor. The three kids instantly burst out laughing as Roger let out a deep sigh.

"Whats so funny? That didnt even mean to happen" Roger asked. The kids were laughing that hard that they couldnt even reply.

Then Freddie walked in and searched everywhere for Roger. "Wheres Roger?" Freddie asked. The kids pointed to the heap on the floor.

Freddie walked over and pulled a shirt off the pile to reveal Rogers face. "You okay there Rog?" Freddie asked.

"Im a 36 year old man with dignanty and look at me" Roger replied. "Ya sure Rog?" Freddie asked getting a death stare from Roger. "Anyway we need you down at the venue" Freddie carried on.

Roger managed to clamber from under the clothes and throw one of his shoes at Freddie. "Right thats it" Freddie said turning round.

He went running towards Roger and tackled him to the ground. The kids crawled to the end of the bed to watch the fight taking place. Then Brian and John entered as their mouths dropped open.

"Fred we need a drummer" Brian said as the two rushed over. They managed to pulled Roger and Freddie away from each other and make sure they arent in arms reach.

"He said i dont have any dignanty" Roger pouted pointing to Freddie. "He threw a shoe at me" Freddie replied pointing to Roger. The two sounded like big kids by this point which made Brian and John look to each other.

"Now will you just both come down to the venue and DO THE BLOODY SOUND CHECK?" Brian asked. "Calm down Bri" Freddie said stepping back away from Roger.

As they began heading to the door Freddie turned round and punched Roger strait in the jaw. "FREDDIE FUCKING MERCURY" Roger screamed clutching his cheek. "Rog theres kids around" John scolded as Brian pushed Freddie from the room.

All in all the kids found it very entertaining. The three followed them all down to the venue to see what other type of fights were going to take place. When they arrived Jim collered them.

"What happened between Roger and Freddie?" Jim asked, his brow furrowing. "Its a long story, maybe later" Rosie replied as the three walked off.

Still a little confused Jim followed the kids. As he headed towards the stage Roger threw some water over Freddie, some hitting Jim.

"Ive done what no scientist has done before and ive prooved proof that theres water on Mercury" Roger announced. "You just chucked water over me you stupid blonde" Freddie replied looking like a drowned rat. (A/n: its a meme i saw that i just had to include).

Jim headed headed backstage to look after the children. Freddie met him backstage to clean himself up. "Little water fight?" Jim asked. "Yeah" Freddie replied seeming angry.

When the concert came Freddie acted like himself even when he was recovering form a knee injury. Jim worried slightly but the kids didnt mind, they just sand along to all the songs. When it got to Hammer To Fall Jims heart was in his mouth as his stomach did flips. "Fred cant carry on like this" Jim muttered but no one heard him.

"Give it to me one more time" Freddie sang before there was a big crash. Jim instantly stepped forwards as Freddie went tumbling to the ground.

Freddies boyguard ran on from one side of the stage and Jim from the other. They picked Freddie up and helped him off staage. The band didnt know what to do so Brian went off to see if Freddie was okay. Freddie couldnt walk and they suspected he had twisted his knee.

"The show must go on" Freddie said. "Fred you cant" Brian began the speech. "Dont bore me darling just get me to the piano" Freddie interrupted Brian. Reluctantly Brian helped Freddie back onto stage to the worry of the others.

They finished the concert with Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions and We Will Rock You. When Freddie got off stage they persuaded him to go to the doctors. As they suspected Freddies knee was twisted but he would be okay very soon. They got him back to the hotel room to rest as Roger had a task of putting down the kids. They wouldnt stop singing and everytime Roger tried to read to them they would start singing again.

"You three, stop singing and go to sleep" Roger said

After what seemed like hours they were sound asleep.

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