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Me and Robert went along to the filming of the Breakthru music video. We sat on the grass verge next to the railway track as the guys sorted out a bunch of things.

"Why does deaseses have to exist?" I wondered aloud. "I have no idea. But if i had magic powers i would want to cure your dad, for youre sake" Robert replied.

I leaned towards him as our lips crashed together in a quick kiss. We got called down to the track to help with filming. Debbie was getting involved with this music video so we were in charge of filming her bit. At one point all of our bit went totally wrong and me, Robert and Debbie couldnt stop laughing causing the others to get concerned. It turned out Robert had accidenlty filmed himself and we couldnt delete the video. Once we were sorted the muic video filming carried on.

When it got to lunch we all sat together on the verges for lunch. "Im loving the video" I complimented. "Thanks, its the most strengeth ive had in a long time" my dad replied

"So how long until you two are having kids?" Roger asked me and Robert. "Roger" Debbie scolded. "What im excited for the new baby Mercury" Roger replied trying to sound innocent. "Roger in 13, me and Robert havent been together that long" I said.

Roger seemed a little angry me and Robert werent having kids anytime soon but at the moment i really wasnt ready. Debbie slapped Roger across the head as we went back to the lunch.

At some point Brian snuck off which made me follow to see if he was okay. "Uncle Bri is everything okay?" I asked approaching him.

"No, my dads ill, my marraige is falling apart and i think Queen is too" Brian replied. I stepped closer to him before pulling him into a hug. "I sorta know how you feel" I comforted.

Later that day Jim brought the car to come and collect me and my dad but we couldnt find my dad anywhere. "Do you have any idea of where he could be?" Jim asked. I shook my head as we began walking round like headless chickens.

We wlaked everywhere to try and find him until worry struk us. "What if he went to the toilet and didnt come out" Jim said beginning to worry. "You keep looking ill go talk to the director" I said

I found the director packing up equipment. "Hey Liv you okay?" he asked. "Im fine but have you seen my dad?" I replied. He shook his head. "last i saw he went off to the toilets" he said.

I rushed off to find Jim wandering around the train. "Jim hes in the toilets" I said.

We found the portiloos before trying to handle. "Fred if youre in there please either unlock the door or say something" Jim said. "The door wont open"my dad replied. "Have you tried the lock?" Jim asked. "Im not Roger, course i tried" my dad replied. "Step back" I said to Jim "Dad just cower on the floor".

I presume my dad did as i said so i took a couple of steps back before running at the toilets. It was good it was plastic as i smashed strait through the door and tumbled through the other side. I landed on the car park tarmac just in front of the car Roger and Debbie were clambering into. I hit my head on the ground before skidding to a stop. Everything began to double as i laid there.

"Liv" Roger said shaking me. I couldnt even move as panic began to fill my body. Robert sprinted over, John just behind. Brian had already left. My dad and jim came running over as Jim picked me up.

"Can you hear me?" Jim asked. I managed to nod as Roger took me from him.

Jim ran towards the car as Roger jogged over as to not hurt me. My dad used the strength he had to run along side us as Robert begged his dad to come with me. Roger got me into the back of the car before running off to his. Robert held me in his arms as Jim drove to the hospital.

"Do you remember us?" my dad asked turning round in his seat. "Youre my dad, Freddie Mercury" I muttered as my voice wouldnt let me talk any louder.

My dad kept switching his eyes between the road and me as Jim kept taking the odd look in the rear view mirror. I used any strength to hold onto Robert as i didnt want him to go. When we got to the hospital Jim was out of the car picking me up. "Just stay with us" he kept repeating.

Roger and Debbie came running towards us as John went to call Brian and David. I got taken down to a hospital room where they tended to the cuts and bruses i suffered before giving me and MRI scan. I laid in the hospital bed waiting for the scan results. "It will be okay" Robert comforted.

Everytime a doctor went past my dad jumped. I could see he was nervous and was more worried then i was. David and Brian soo arrived and ran over to my bed. Then a doctor entered.

"What is it? Will she be okay?" my dad asked. The doctor looked between us all before his eyes laid on me. "What?" Jim asked "How bad is it?". "Is it life threatening?" Robert asked.

"Youre head will be fine, its a concussion" the doctor began "But in the scan it wasnt just youre brain we scanned. You must have landed on a sharp object and" he paused "You have a lightly compressed spine, from the waist down". I froze, i didnt know how to react. It did explain why i couldnt feel much pain in my legs.

"But a lot of physical therapy will do the trick wont it?" my dad asked. "Yeah, but it might take some time depending on how the body reacts" the doctor replied.

I looked to the ceiling, god i just hope this physical therapy works. I dont want to be stuck in a wheel chair my whole life, especially not when my dads ill.

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