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Roberts arm was in fact broken but to cheer him up they took him and Olivia on the next tour with them. On the tour bus Olivia and Robert sat playing snap while the guys played scrabble.

"Fred you cant put Mercury" Roger said. "But its a word" Freddie protested. "But its your name" Roger carried on his moan.

The kids leaned over the back of the chairs to watch them argue. "Fuck you im putting it down" Freddie said. "Fred theres kids" Brian whispered.

Freddie had totally forgotten that there was kids in the bus. "Oh sorry" Freddie muttered looking guiltily at his hands. Roger slapped him round the head as the kids ignored what he said and went back to what they were doing.

"Are we going to Scotland first?" Robert asked. "I think so" Olivia replied as Miami came to join them. "Yes were going to Scotland"

The two high fived before Miami began teaching them how to play scrabble so they can play with their dads. Miami helped the two put down words that made sense while the guys leaned over the sofa to watch. Freddie kept whispering words to Olivia while John did the same with Robert.

When they arrived at Scotland the two kids were now asleep from the long journey. Freddie carried Olivia from the bus and John carried Robert. They got them to the hotel rooms before turning in for a nap themselves. Freddie was the only one that didnt end up asleep, he stood on the balcony looking out over Edinburough. Then he heard a bang from behind him before crying. Freddie rushed back inside to find that Olivia had fallen out of bed.

"Its okay my little dove, ive got you" Freddie said taking her in his grasp. Olivia slowed her tears down as he sat her on the bed. "Does anything hurt?" Freddie asked. Olivia nodded before pointing to her head.

"Sounds like a concussion" Freddie said clambering onto the bed with her. She cuddled into his side as he made sure she was going to be okay. Olivia wouldnt let go of Freddie for a good few hours until she was asleep again.

Freddie then made sure she was in the middle of the bed tucked in and safe before heading onto the balcony for a cigarrette. He then heard the hotel room door open. Making sure Olivia was okay he turned to see Roger walking towards him. Roger closed the balcony doors to so they were open slightly to keep an eyes on Olivia. He then pulled out a cigarrette of his own but didnt say a word to Freddie.

"Rog you okay?" Freddie asked looking to the blonde drummer. Roger then remembered why he came out here. "Oh yeah, i saw Prenter earlier" Roger replied removing the cigarrette from his lip.

Freddie stopped and turned to Roger. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS HE DOING HERE. I WANT HIM AS FAR AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER AS POSSIBLE" Freddie yelled waking Olivia. "Fred calm down" Roger ushured.

Freddie stormed back into the room before grabbing his coat, as Scotland is freezing clod after all. "Daddy is everything okay?" Olivia seemed inquisitive after hearing him shout which he doesnt do that often, claims hes resting his voice.

"Im fine, Uncle Roger will be looking after you while i go and sort a few things out" Freddie replied gathering what he needed to kill Paul.

Olivia looked between the two rockstars before her father left the hotel room.

"Uncle Roggie whats happening?" Olivia asked as Roger took a seat next to her. He put his arm around her and took in a deep breath. "Prenters here, i noticed him" Roger replied.

Olivia sunk further into Rogers grip as Brian and John ran in. "We heard shouting is everyone okay?" Brian asked.

"Dont seem alarmed but i noticed Prenter, Freddies gone to kill him" Roger replied keeping a firm grip on Olivia. Then the door slammed open again.

"Taylor you werent meant to say anything" Paul said entering, Freddie close behind.

Paul went to grab Olivia but Roger pushed him away, keeping Olivia safe. "Brian get Olivia and Robert away from the hotel" Freddie said tackling Paul to the ground.

Brian did as he was told and rushed Olivia out of the hotel room and down to Johns, grabbing Robert on the way. Non of them knew where they were going to be heading but they had to get away, and fast. They didnt know how long it would take Paul to get to them so they had to go somewhere he wouldnt suspect. They ended up finding a shopping centre to go shopping round. Olivia isnt the shopping type and clearly Robert and Brian arent exactly going to want to go shopping. What they didnt think of was that Brian May is a house hold name and that he is known all over the world as the guitarist with Queen. So people kept taking pictures of them as they walked down the shopping centre.

"God i hope theyve finished soon, i cant take anymore of this" Brian moaned keeping a firm grip on the kids's hands.

In the hotel they were far from done. "Tell us why you want to hurt our children?" Freddie asked holding Paul up against the wall by his neck.

"Will it change anything when you kill me?" Paul replied trying to escape from Freddies grip. "No but i want answers" Freddie replied throwing Paul into an opposite wall.

Paul clambered up and threw a smoke grenade at them, smoke filling the room. The three began coughing like mad while trying to find Paul but instad tripping over everything in the room. When the smoke went Paul was gone.

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