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Mina's POV.

I met my childhood friends in L.A. There's a few who recognizes me. But I'm not popular that much so I really felt safe doing anything I wanted to do.

We drank at the bar until we couldnt stand up with our feet. We sang our lungs out and danced the night away.

We were still sleeping at Taehyung's place. I barely talk to him. I just stare blankly at him and his bestfriend.

Aria was really clingy and touchy with Taehyung. It's not surprising because She grew up in the states.

I don't know what's the deal with them both but I can't stop telling myself that I should be the one with Taehyung right now and that should be me.

"Mina." Jimin snapped at me. "Anything wrong?"

Jimin asked snapping his fingers infront of my face. I was staring at the window. It was raining so hard and the thunder was very loud.

"Why?" I asked.

"You've been staring at the window for an hour now." Jimin said.

"I dont know. I just.." I sighed. "I feel empty and you know the rain is my comfort when I feel sad."

"You've been like that since we came back from the resort. Did anything happen Minari? You know you can always tell me."

"I don't know what to feel. It's mixed feelings. Like Jimin I finally remember him. I cancelled my wedding. I came here to get him back, and the moment I gathered all the guts to tell Him, he says he doesnt want me anymore and then..."

"And then?" Jimin cuts off.

"I see him with another woman?"

I raised my eyebrows, when I saw a tall guy with a well built body, walking towards me while looking at me with rage in his eyes.

"What do you mean you canceled the wedding?!"

Taehyung yelled. Squeezing my wrists. Jimin was trying to get a grip of Taehyung before he hurts me.

"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin yelled.

"And you too?! You're here to help her make me look like an idiot? You're helping her lie to me?!" Tae yelled and turned to Jimin.

Jimin was also looking at him, mad. I can see his veins in his neck. He was controlling his anger.

My tears couldn't stop falling. Why does he react like this. Is this Him regretting? Or He really just feels disgust all over me.

"Why the fck are you even crying huh?!" He smirked. "You have the audacity to cry infront of me?!"


I called his name. I'm calling the old Taehyung. The one that I loved. The one I knew.

He turned to me and shook his head. He lets go of my wrists and took a step back. His eyes were turning red.

"Get out." He looked at me and back at Jimin. "I said get out! The both of you!"

I rushed to the door and went out. Not knowing Jimin was behind me following me wherever I go.

I kept running and running until I cant catch my breath. Until my knees, they gave up.

It was raining so hard. I couldnt see clearly where I was going. Until all I can remember is.. A crowd was surrounding me. Some policemen was holding their phones. Taehyung's face and wet hair was infront of me.

The rain dripped to my face. I felt chills. I couldnt breathe. I smell the burning smell of blood.


"Mina. Don't do this again to me." He sobbed. "Oh, God. Minari.. Stay awake please. Stay with me." He held my hand and cried.

"Minari.. I love you. Please live..." He whispered.

Let Go: TaeMina FF. A SEQUEL.Where stories live. Discover now