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Jaeyoon's POV.

Mina has been sending me lunch boxes at our dorm filled with rice cakes, kimbap and lot of side dishes.

We and the boys share it and I couldnt be more grateful to Mina. The boys loved it and sometimes they dont even give me.

Mina always texts me good mornings and good nights even thougj I didn't have enough time to reply to her.

I always go home and straightly go to sleep. Wake up in the morning and get ready for work.

At times I text her first but our time just wont agree with each other. At weekends we hang out at the cinemas.


"Jaeyoonah!! Wanna go watch a movie?" Mina asks.

"Well, If it's your treat why not?" I joked.

"Let's meet at Moon Cafe this 8 pm." She ended the call.

I opened my pc and opened Valorant. I started to play waiting for the time to pass by.

Taehyung was leaving texts twice a day, everyday. He always asks how Minari is doing.

I really love Mina. I may sound like a villain but I'm Mina's happiness right now and that's what I want it to be.

A few days ago, I bought an elegant ring to propose to Minari but I cant find a perfect timing.

It was just a piece of an elegant diamond that shines. A studded finger hugger. The color of it will be a good pair of it and Mina's skin tone.


Mina called me while she was running towards me. She was wearing a black body con dress. With her white heels and a choker.

"Oh. Minari." I smiled at her.

"Lets order shall we?" I nodded.

"How can I help you?" The waiter asked.

"Umm. I want a pesto salad and a glass of champagne." I looked at the waitwe and back at Mina. "What do you want? Lemme guess. Tomato soup and garlic bread?"

"Yeah." She smirked and closed the menu.

The Waiter nodded and left. As I was looking at Mina who is playing with her phone I smiled at myself.

I never seen her this happy in ages. When Tae and Mina was together all I always see is Mina crying her eyes out.

The food was served. We were enjoying the classical music that was being played from the speakers at the cashier.

I finished my food but Mina didnt eat half of hers. I looked at her lost. She was underweight. She was pale and all.

Without hesitating, I went down my knees infront of her. Pulled the box with the ring in it and opened it to Mina who was shocked.

"Mina." I smiled at her. "I know we have just been together for a couple of months but I don't wanna waste any time anymore."

Her eyes were filled with tears. Mina was rubbing it all out and she cant even stop her smile from showing.

"Will you.." I smiled at her. "Marry me?"

Mina agreed and assisted me to stand up. She hugged me very tightly. She continued to sob into my chest.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and chuckled. "Shouldnt you be smiling right now that were actually engaged?"

"Why? I want to cry. Can I?" She hit my chest.

"Well yeah. Might as well get used to it." I joked.

"What do you mean?" She glared at me.

"Nothing. Come here." I opened my arms to her and she hugged me. I smiled. "Are you happy?"

"Why are you even asking that ofcourse I am."

"I just think maybe I'm not the right one for you." My smile disappeared. "Because you know. You deserve a lot more better than me."

"We are not even married yet but you're so problematic right now." She laughed. "It's like you're in a fckng drama."

I rolled my eyes at her and started to give her kisses on her forehead. She was just smiling the whole time we stayed there.

For as long as I know, we really are like a drama.

Let Go: TaeMina FF. A SEQUEL.Where stories live. Discover now