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Taehyung's POV.

It's been another year. I moved to Ohio and opened my restaurants here. Aria was by my side supporting me even though I never spoke a word since Mina had an accident in L.A.

Bang PD nim has been trying to reach to me but I turn off the call. Jimin hadnt replied to my messages.

I guess He is really mad at me. The last conversation I had with Jimin was when He was scolding me.

"Why can't you support me in my decision? Just once Jimin-ah!" I yelled.

"Why would I? You always turn your back on people who is willing to love you. You always run and only decide for yourself."

He answered coldly looking at Mina with tubes attached to her body. Her life support machine was really intimidating.

"I want to give everything for her. I want to be whole for her. Jimin-ah. I want to be ready again." I said staring at her. "I don't want to hurt again I don't want to see her hurt again and If I come back to her and she have someone, I will be happy for her."

"I don't want to stress out V. It's your decision and mine is, I want to be here for her and it's none of my business if stupid people leave her. If you need to leave do it now. You dont have to explain coz I'm done hearing it." He walked out and turned to look at me again. "How will you even know She's going to wake up again? Will you regret it if She dies and you didn't have the chance to say you love her?"

Jimin left me but my decision is final. I want to re enter Mina's life when I'm finally ready.

The thing is with love and life, you will gamble. You won't really know what will happen but all you gotta do is wait and I believe in the saying that when you love someone, waiting is really worth it.

The last thing I told Mina was when She showed movement after a week She was hospitalized.

The doctor told me that Mina can hear and showed a posibility to wake up again and live her life once again.

"I'm sorry Mina. I'm always the reason why you hurt yourself. I want to be better for you Mina so wake up and wait for me. Please Mina wake up." I sobbed. "I love you, I always will.'

I couldnt stop myself feeling traumatized. I want to distance and distance myself from her.

We're like magnet, we connect but if we're turning ourselves backs then we wont.

"Yoboseyo?" Jimin answered on the other line. "Taehyung-ah, how are you?"

"Jimin-ah. I'm good. You?"

"I'm fine." He answered. "I heard from Jin hyung. You ready?"


"You've been in Ohio all this time huh." He joked.

"If you answered my calls and messages then you should have know." I laughed.

"Well see you in 30 Mins. You got this!"

Another call was in the line. It was Aria. Aria's family is here in Ohio also. So we occassionally met.

Aria prepared for this very special event. I hope it turns out well.

Let Go: TaeMina FF. A SEQUEL.Where stories live. Discover now