promise part one

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No Pov:

Velocity and Adora walked through the glowing corridors."Hello?"Adora yelled her voice echoing as she drew her sword"I carry the sword of She-Ra and velocity holds the gauntlets of Tharis, and I've come here for help. Is anyone there?".

velocity walked beside her."are we sure this is even the right place?"Velocity asked before a hologram popped up scaring velocity."Greetings,"the hologram said as Adora screeched in suprised" administrators. What is your query?".

Adora paused "Oh. I need your help to heal my friend."Adora begged."She's been cursed, and I-I don't know how to save her. The legends say that She-Ra and Tharis could heal people using this sword. How do I do that?"Velocity asked.

"What is your query?"The hologram asked again."Not this again."Adora scoffed.

"For the honor of Grayskull!"

"By Tharis wings"

Adora transforms into She-Ra and velocity into Tharis; light consumes the area,

"How about now?"Shera asked as Tharis sat beside her."Administrators detected. Welcome, She-Ra and Tharis"the hologram spoke.

Small timeskip

"One more time. What can you tell me about this sword and the gauntlets?"Shera asked.Tharis was over in the corner finding more interest in a sparkly rock on the floor.

"Subject: The Sword of Protection. Classification: portable Runestone keyed exclusively to Administrator: She-Ra, Princess of Power."The hologram said " subject: gauntlets of Tharis.Classfication:made out of the same metal as the can only be used by sheras partner and can transform the wearer into a dragon and boost sheras power"

"How can I use the sword to heal my friend?"Shera groaned."Query not recognized."the hologram said roboticly.

She-Ra Groaned and dragged her hand down her face as Tharis watched with intrest."The legends say the sword has healing powers. Is that true?"Shera asked."One of the Sword of Protection's many intended functions is to heal and restore balance."the hologram said.

Shera groaned" But how do I do that?"she enunciated."Query not recognized."the hologram spoke roboticly.*How can I use the sword to heal people?!"Shera angrily enunciated. She Let the  sword tip clang lightly on floor as Tharis padded over and layed her head ontop of Adoras.

"One of the Sword of Protection's"the hologram started as she Groaned exasperatedly, almost laughingly and Tharis rolled her eyes licking Adoras head lightly to calm her down."many intended functions is to heal and restore balance."

Unknown to the two someone was watching them.

She-Ra took a Sharp intake of breath" Okay. Is there someone else I can talk to?"Shera asked."Query not recognized."the hologram responded.

Sheras Face went blank as she had a vision from when she found the sword,while velocity heard a voice call out to her.

"Light Hope.(?)"The hologram questioned."Light Hope. That's her name isn't it? The woman I saw when I touched the sword for the first time? Where is she?"Shera asked."Yes, Light Hope is here. She has been waiting for you."the hologram said." Can I talk to her?"Shera asked.

"You will meet her soon enough. But first, you must let go."the hologram said cryptically."What's that supposed to mean?"Shera asked as Tharis tilted her head.

" You two are not ready yet. You must let go."the hologram said."Let go of what?"Shera asked.Unknown to the two a certain feline had stolen a piece of first ones tech,the pedestal it was on lights up and pings with energy.

Shattered Scales(Adora X Oc X Catra)DiscountedWhere stories live. Discover now