signals part two

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Velocitys Pov:

"We should check out the other buildings."Glimmer said

We carefully walk in the darkness, stepping over large roots, looking through the slats of boarded windows.  Bow suddenly calls out.

"Hey, Guys!"bow called out.

Adora reacts, drawing her sword with one hand, and collaring me and Glimmer against her protectively with the other.  They relax again as Glimmer catches her breath.

"Sorry.  What did you say?"Adora asked.

Bow points toward a tall narrow pyramid.

"Does that look familiar to you."bow asked.

"I’m not sure.  Maybe it’s . . ."Adora questioned.

A crashing sound interrupts her musing, and they all scream.  Bow and Glimmer strike warrior stances in multiple directions.  Glimmer simply disappears.  After a moment, they realize that it is a window shutter slamming in the wind.

"Huh . . . Uhhhhh, Glimmer?"I asked.

Glimmer reappears in a small shower of pink sparkles.

"I’m so sorry.  I have no idea why I did that."Glimmer said to me smiling sheepishly.

"Ah, this place is weird.  Like the Lair of the Undead Princess!  Where she lures soldiers to their doom!"Adora yelled scaring me.

"Undead princess?  The Horde really had a theme, huh?"Bow said smiling.

"Oh . . . You’re right!  Wow.  I can’t believe I’m just realizing this now."I said in realisation

"Weird or not, we have a mission.  Something happened here that forced these people to flee their home.  We have to get to the bottom of this."Glimmer said.

No pov

As they walk onward, a strange ghostly form passes unnoticed behind them.

She-Ra walks carefully through the woods, looking for signs of the presence she was following.  She hears a strange moaning voice and follows. velocity, Glimmer and Bow run up behind, and Bow trips on a root.

"Ooahh!"bow said in fascination.

They look suspiciously back at the root, but it looks normal.  She-Ra helps him up.

" The light came from around hear."Shera said.

A strange laughter echoes, and they look all around them.  Suddenly Bow sees a column of light nearby.

" There!  It’s over . . . !"bow screamed.

The light becomes a large humanoid figure, very close!  They scream, and She-Ra leaps forward, eyes closed, swinging blindly at thin air.  It’s gone.  She opens her eyes.

"Where’d it go?  Did I get it?"Shera asked.

" No! "velocity yelled seeing the form walking quickly toward them" RUN!!!

They turn and flee, but there path is quickly blocked by two other figures, waving at them.

"Ahhh!  Run the other way!!"Glimmer yelled

They do, but again a couple of figures block their path.  They halt behind some bushes, and the figures are all around them.

"Babe do something!"velocity yelled.

"Like what?!!  Flail at them again?!!  I can handle the Horde.  I can’t handle this!  This is like what . . ."Shera retorted.

"Stop telling ghost stories!!  I’ve been terrified since we got here!!!  Catra was right!  I’m terrible at this!"Glimmer Groaned .

"And I can’t replace Entrapta!  I can’t even make my tracker pad work!"Bow cried.

" I’m still hearing stuff coming from the big stone pointy thing!"velocity cried covering her ears.

" From the pointy . . .   Hold on."Bow said.

He begins to walk towards the apparitions.

"What are you doing?!Bow!"Glimmer yelled at him

Glimmer teleports to him, grabs him, and teleports away to a safer distance.  She-Ra, leaps out and swings her sword downward through the glowing form, striking the ground with a mighty impact, and causing previously unseen circuitry in the ground to light up.

"Of course.  This place.  It’s a First One’s ruin.  And these aren’t ghosts.  They’re holograms!"Bow said

"  I’m pretty sure holograms can’t walk around on their own like this."Velocity said.

" But, look at them.  Really look at them."bow said.

Glimmer was  holding Bow with her eyes closed."No thanks!  I’m good!"

"It’s . . . it’s like a recording."Shera said.

Bow releases himself from Glimmer’s grasp and walks up to stand next to the images.  Glimmer opens her eyes and sees the truth.

"Ahhhh.  She’s waving!"Glimmer said smiling.

Glimmer waves back, smiling.  Then after a moment.

"Actually, you know what?  It’s still creepy."

"I think I know where they’re coming from.  Come on!"Bow called.

In the moonlit night at Alwyn, Bow examines a pyramidal spire in the middle of town with Glimmer, She-Ra, and Swift Wind looking on.  Bow pulls away roots covering the spire.

" This is it!  The noise is coming from here!"velocity said.

 "It looks like Light Hope’s beacon."Shera said.

" It’s an antenna.  I’m guessing this outpost is built on some kind of First Ones communication hub."Bow said" When the Black Garnet disrupted the planet, it must have caused the hub to power up.  It’s trying to send old stored messages.  With you translating, we should be able to turn it off."

£ So . . . these are First Ones?"velocity said pointing.

"Yeah.  Why?"bow questioned.

Shera surveys the figure, a friendly bowing man and a young girl figure dancing.

" It’s just . . . I’ve been thinking of them as these big epic figures.  But they’re regular people, . . . sending messages to their loved ones.  Messages that were never received because of what Mara did to the planet."Velocity said to herself.

She-Ra hangs her head, but velocity smiles at her encouragingly.  She approaches the spire and touches it with her hand, causing it to light up and glow, then fade.  The dancing, bowing figures fade as well.

" Be at rest, now."Shera said somnely

Bow pulled out his tracker pad "The farmers must have fled from the “ghosts” when this thing turned itself on.  We should be able to get them a message that it’s safe to return."he replied.

"Way to go!  I think the Rebellion is going to do just fine with you, Master-maker Bow!"Glimmer cheered.

"Thanks, Glimmer!  Now that the antenna is powered down, everything should be back to normal."bow thanked.

He studies the tracker pad, and the others gather around him.  It is showing a distorted pattern and playing a staticky, unintelligible voice.

" It’s that message again.  It looks like First Ones writing."Bow said.

"Huh.  But we powered down the antenna."velocity said.

"Well, if it is First Ones writing, I can’t read it.  It’s way too degraded."Shera replied

" You said it yourself, Bow.  Your pad must be broken."Glimmer replied.

"Yeah . . . that must be it."Bow said uncertainly.

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