light hope part two

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An:also swift wind doesn't exist in this story as Shera has Tharis so there is no need for him, sorry swift wind fans.

Velocitys Pov:

"Your...friend?"Light hope asked confused.
" Yes. Shadow Weaver did something to Glimmer and took her powers away. "I said " we need to figure out how to heal her."

" Her connection with her Runestone was disrupted."light hope replied."Can we fix it?"Adora asked.

"You two will be able to do many incredible things...with training."Light hope said.

"Great. So, uh, how long will this training take--like a day, or--"Adora said before being interrupted.

" Years."light hope said.I felt my eyes widened.

"Years?! Glimmer doesn't have years. She's hurt because of me"Adora said"I messed up. I got Glimmer and Bow captured, and Entrapta--it's my fault! ...I have to fix it."Adora cried as she leaned on me."it's not your fault"I said as I hugged her.She smiled and hugged me back.

"Yes, your mission is to fix the planet."Light hope spoke."our mission is to help our friends. That's why we came here."I spoke

"You are She-Ra and Tharis. Your purpose is to protect all of Etheria."Light hope said to us "You cannot help only your friends."

"Why can't we do both?"Adora asked."Adora, velocity, you do not yet realize the power you have."light hope spoke her hand glitched as she 'touches' Adora's and mine shoulders

" You are distracted by your attachments. There was one before you who could not let go. Her name was Mara."Light hope spoke

" Mara? Madame Razz's Mara? What happened to her?"I asked

"Mara was the last She-Ra before you. She struggled with a power that she could not control." Light hope said" Until it became too much for her mind,she killed her Tharis,falca,and after she did she was soon succumbed to her own mind."

"...She snapped?"I said Remembering falcas voice.

"She was compromised. She gave in to fear and faulty reasoning. Her desperate actions led to devastation and a death. "light hope continued."Mara stranded us in the empty dimension of Despandos. She broke the She-Ra line and the Tharis line. She nearly destroyed us and almost wipped out the draconians"

...Adora, velocity. I have waited here for a thousand years alone. I did not know if I would ever see another She-Ra Tharis."light hope stated" You must stay here and train. Learn to be the She-Ra that Mara could not be and velocity learn to be a Tharis greater than falca."

" We will. We will do whatever you want. We'll come back, and train, and learn about everything."I said begging" But we have to heal Glimmer first. We can save the planet and save her."

We gasped as Light Hope summons holograms of our most regretted memories.

I saw Glimmer shouting in distress as she fights through Shadow Weaver's restraints.

I saw Catra backing away after seeing us as Shera and Tharis.

I saw Entrapta,I didn't see what happened but after what Adora told me I felt terrible.

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