promise part two

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Adoras Pov:

" Oh, my friends? You mean the ones you kidnapped and held for ransom?the one"I yelled angrily hugging velocity" The ones you let Shadow Weaver imprison and curse?"

Catra rolled her eyes at me"Yeah, obviously. What other friends would I be talking about apart from velocity"she said as I growled and pulled Velocity behind me.

"...Come on. Those things will be back any minute, we need to get out of here."I growled making sure velocity was next to me."are you ok?"I asked her holding her cheek."I'm fine"velocity smiled and I smiled back stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"Well, we don't need to go together. You do your weird little magic quest thing, I'll find my own way out."Catra Said.

Catra looked back and forth between the rubble behind us and the only other way down the hall; as I walked forward, she sighs exasperatedly and follows us.


Me, velocity and Catra walk towards a red light floating deeper in the room." What's--"velocity asked.

The red light flashed blindingly, and all four of us shout and cover our eyes in alarm; the light scans over our bodies with a hum

I gasp lightly as I open my eyes to see we're are standing in a room in the Horde base at the Fright Zone.

I let go of Velocitys hand and shove Catra to a wall with an arm at her neck." What kind of game are you playing?!"I said angrily.

" Whoa, whoa! I have no idea what's going on. There's no way we can actually be in the Fright Zone!"Catra said defensively.

"So what is this, another Shadow Weaver mind trick?!"I yelled at her."Adora I think she's not lying"Velocity whispered to me.I gave her a look before Catra interrupted.

" I doubt it. Now let--"Catra said with effort, pushing my arm away"--go of me!"

Catra walked  away; I looked around with Velocity and saw the room glitch a little; "Hey, Adora! This isn't real! ...Adora? [a different tone of voice, almost scared as the scene changes to Adora standing elsewhere] Adora?!"I heard Catra yell.

"Catra?"I said alarmed as I held velocity.

I look to see a younger, maybe 5-7 year old Catra standing next to me.

"Adora! Velocity!"young Catra called out running through my legs glitching.I looked to see a young version of me and velocity.

Velocity was still small for her age and has short small wings and tail."you was so cute when you was younger"I mumbled."hey"Velocity said as she gave me a light punch which made me laugh."Hey, Adora? There's a--"Catra said walking up behind us.

"Shh."I said to her.

"Does it look broken to you?!"young Catra sniffled."It's not broken, you're fine!"young me said almost laughingly."no it doesn't look broken"Young velocity said comparing her own hand.

Young Catra looked at her hand where she touched her nose and shrieked" I'm bleeding!"She shrieked.

You're not bleeding,And why would you try and pick a fight with Octavia anyway?"young velocity asked grooming her feathers.

"I didn't do anything, all I did was exist near her. ...And scratch her on the eyeball. And call her a dumbface."young Catra said."Catra--"Adora scoffed.

"What?! She has a dumb face!"young Catra spat scaring young velocity, young Adora put an arm round her and shot a glare at young Catra.


We laughed at the memories we just witnessed.Velocity giggled leaning on my shoulder."What was that?!Catra screeched


No Pov:

Adora grunted as she fought the spider bots, destroying an eye and ripping a piece off and tossing it away; she runs to strain to remove her sword from where it's stuck by the goo overlooking a chasm.Velocity fought against them sending plasma blasts at them.

Adora shouted as spider goo traps her from behind and a spider lifts her over the chasm." Stop it, I'm not your enemy. Light Hope... Just let me talk to Light Hope!"Adora yelled.

"Adora!"velocity panicked."no vell, stay over there"Adora yelled.

she grunted as she shoves off the spider's leg with her feet, causing her to fall; she shouts, but swings the goo around her arms to latch onto a rock along the chasm wall; the spider sparks and screeches before metal crashing nearby is heard; Catra grunts as she destroys all the spiders.

" Catra?"Catra Adora said looking up only to see Catra holding velocity who was struggling.

Catra was holding the sword and rubbed a finger along its side." Hey, Adora."she said evily."Catra, help me, please..."Adora pleaded"and let velocity go"

" This thing wouldn't work for me if I tried, would it? It only works for you. Then again, you're special. That's what Shadow Weaver always said."Catra said emotionlessly"and velocity always liked you and never me."

"Catra...what are you doing?"Adora said angrily.

"Ah, you know? It all makes sense now. You've always been the one holding me back."Catra said bitterly" You wanted me to think I needed you. You wanted me to feel weak. Every hero needs a sidekick, right?"

" Catra, no, that's not how it was..."Adora said

"The sad thing is, I've spent all this time hoping you'd come back to the Horde, when really you leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me."Catra laughed lowering the sword near the goo holding Adora up" I am so much stronger than anyone "cuts a few strands of the goo" ever thought."

Adora grunted,losing one hand holding onto the goo.

" I wonder what I could've been if I'd gotten rid of you sooner..."Catra said evily"maybe I would've ended up with my purple flower"Catra said lifting Velocitys chin.Velocity hissed and swatted her hand away.

Catra cut the last of the goo holding Adora up; Adora shrieks as she falls, catching a rock handhold on the way down."no! Adora"Velocity screamed as Catra held her back.

I-I'm sorry! I never meant to make you feel like you were second best! "Adora begged"Please don't do this!"

The light in the room glitches away making room for darkness; Catra looks at the sword, then tosses it into the chasm; it clangs on the way down, Adora gasps lightly

"Bye, Adora. I really am going to miss you."Catra yelled pulling velocity behind her."no"velocity screamed.She roared and lept onto Catra.The two fought.Velocity bit catra's hand and Catra screamed in pain.

"you are mine"Catra screamed grabbing velocitys neck.Velocity struggled to get out of her grip but before she could, velocity felt something snap.She looked to her left to see her left wing broken with blood starting to pool out the cut."well if you love Adora so much why don't you join her"Catra snarled holding velocity over the edge.

"I'll see you soon my purple flower"Catra whispered kissing Velocity on the cheek before dropping her,as velocity fell unconscious landing next to the sword.

Shattered Scales(Adora X Oc X Catra)DiscountedWhere stories live. Discover now