roll with it part two

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An:Also a bit lemony at the end.

No pov:

"Not anymore. Ya snooze, ya lose--"Mermista said snarkily

Glimmer Growled and Mermista grunts as Glimmer tackles her; she teleports them both outside the tent, then Glimmer takes the figurine from Mermista's hand and teleports back.

" I admit, I got a little carried away. But the rest of my plan could work."Glimmer said.

"Except that you're not taking the biggest variable into account: Catra. She's been behind every Horde plan, she led the attack on Bright Moon, she's devious--"Adora said seriously as velocity agreed Remmbering her broken wing.

"And I've already thought of that."Glimmer said smugly.

transition to Glimmer's view of the plan

Glimmer standing with She-Ra, Tharis and Bow behind her.

"I knew destroying the bots would lure her out."she scoffs.

Catra steps forward and laughs humorlessly,with an authoritative air of elegance."And so it has, Glimmer."Rolls a purr and meows.

" This is how you see Catra?"velocity questions.

" Yeah, this seems a little off."Bow said shrugging as velocity shivered Remmbering all the things Catra had done and planned to do to her.

"A little?"Adora said with a scoff playing with the tips of the feathers on velocitys wings.

" You fell into my trap. I've armed the tower with a bomb, capable of taking out my greatest enemy--" she made a whip noise as she points


"Do you expect us to just sit here?!"Glimmer commanded.

"No, princess, I expect you to di--"Catra yelled.

Perfuma chuckled and bursts in.

" I cast Giant Flytrap on Catra!"Perfuma yelled.

A giant flytrap plant comes out behind Catra and growls, closing in; Catra shrieks and jumps out of the way; Glimmer teleports; She-Ra gasps a 'whoa' and moves; Bow sobs and takes it, the flytrap's jaws clamping shut.

transitions back to reality.

Perfumas venus flytrap plant she holding had Tiny Bow's figurine in its mouth

"Oops, sorry Bow."Perfuma apologized

"Ugh! What are you doing here?"Glimmer Groaned.


"Adora...I was captured by Shadow Weaver, taken to the Fright Zone, and lost my powers.'Glimmer said sadly to Adora as velocity purred in Adoras lap as Adora stroked velocitys hair to calm herself down.

Bows hand raised to his mouth."Glimmer, not helping..."Bow whispered to her

"But you know what? We escaped. I fought without my powers...and we won! Bad things are going to happen.velocity fought off Catra when she was scared to protect you."Glimmer said to her.

"That's life. You can let it paralyze you...or you can roll with it. Figure out the things you can...and, trust that your friends have your back for the rest."

" You've got this Adora."Bow cheered.

"I cast friendship and support on my next turn."Perfuma joked.

"Here."mermista said as metal shings as she lifts up the Trident into frame." This is my Trident of Power. I want you to have it, especially since Bow is making me a new one."

"I  didn't agree to that!"Bow squeaked.

" You will."mermista said.

"The Winter's Bane stands with you! Also--me--Frosta--stands with you--I--can't tell if we're still in character, or not..."Frosta chuckled.

"Thank you."Adora said softly and happily.

"So...What do we do now?_bow asked.

" We do what we do best: we improvise."Adora said enthusiastically as she unsheathes her sword

"...For the Honor of Grayskull!"

She-Ra looks at all her friends; determined to fight" Let's go."


"Glimmer? Are you okay?"Shera yelled as Tharis hit a horde soldier over the edge.

" How's that for improvising?£Glimmer said.

" Also, it's your turn now because I'm completely out of magic."

Scorpia steps forward angrily.

" Catra trusts--! "she grunts as she's hit in the face with a jet of water.

"Catra--!."shouts as plant magic hits her

" Catra trusts--huh?!"

She gasps as she dodges an arrow

"Okay, seriously? How many of you are there? " She turned to see the rest of the Alliance behind her.

" Ohhh. ...Too many. ...Whoa!"  She shouts as she is thrown off the side of the wall.

"That. Was. Awesome!"Bow said happily.

" Good planning session."Velocity said transforming back.

She-Ra hugs velocityz Glimmer and Bow to her sides; softly."Thanks, guys."She said but a smirk soon crossed her lips as she looked at Velocity.

"Stay awake till midnight dear"She whispered into velocitys ear.


Slight lemon warning

No pov:

Velocity walked to her and Adoras shared room.Adora had left a note telling her to go to the room at exactly midnight so velocity had left the library to go to the room.As she waited for the chime of twelve o'clock to ring to enter the room.

That's when she heard it.Velocity opened to room to see it dimly lit and rose petals everywhere.'wheres Adora?'velocity thought before feeling a arm snake round her waist."hello dear,I hope your ready for tonight"Adora whispered as she pressed her fingers near velocitys heat.

Velocity whimpered at this wanting more.

"Oh no darling you won't be free just yet"Adora whispered into her ears as velocity moaned

Shattered Scales(Adora X Oc X Catra)DiscountedWhere stories live. Discover now