ties that bind part one

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Velocity Pov:

She-Ra grunted as she battles EKS in a simulation,I plastered some of the robots with a plasma blasts.

"Whewh, getting pretty good huh?"Shera said to me winking as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You have shown improvement."light hope spoke" your attack would have been 57% more effective if you had support from your steed. It is time to bring Tharis into your training."

"Um, shouldn't I work on mastering my own abilities first?"I spoke to the hologram.

"As She-Ra, your sacred connection with your steed is as important as any of your physical abilities.she is a part of you, your destinies are intertwined."light hope spoke.

I felt myself shift into Tharis without even speaking the wordd.'how was that even possible.'

"I requested her presence as she's a spirit. The time has come for the two of you to forge your sacred--"light hope spoke before glitching.

" Did I break her? Was it when I went through her head?"I spoke to Adora telepathically.

"The time has come for the two of you to forge your sacred bond. --I -- Is there something wrong?"Light hope asked.

"Well, I, yea. You kind of froze there for a second."I said telepathically.

"Are you okay?"Adora asked.

"Forgive me, my system is overloading. I may have to delay today's training so that I can rest."Light hope said to us.

" Is there anything that I can do to help?"Adora asked leaning on my leg.

"Perhaps. This is the Watchtower. Once it allowed me to access my planetary mainframe. But it was destroyed by Mara when she lost control and attacked the planet."Light hope spoke"I have been functioning at only a fraction of my power ever since. If you can repair the Watchtower, my capabilities will improve, and training can commence."

" Fix the Watchtower, got it."Adora noted.

" Only then -- "light hope glitched.

"Okay, so we're just gonna... We're just gonna go."Adora said.


"Adora and velocity on an adventure. Fix'n a thing that Mara broke. When she went nuts."I sung.

"Velocity, could you please not do that?"Adora asked.

"Oh I was Just trying to keep us entertained while we look for this Watchtower. Any sign of it?"I said sadly.

"it's ok"Adora said smiling ruffling my hair "There's nothing here but grass. Maybe Light Hope got the location wrong."

" No, I don't think she did. I definitely sense something here, something ancient and magical."I said sensing something.

"Where?"Adora asked.

"I'm not sure."I said.

"No that's ok. I just, just have to keep looking. It has to be here somewhere."Adora said to me.

"I could be wrong, but I'm sensing something's bothering you."I said to her concerned.

"I'm just really focused on fixing Light Hope. Like you should be."Adora said frustratedly.

" No, you're troubled about something else. As your magnificent steed I am attuned to your emotions."I said smiling.

" Okay, can you stay out of my head, please?"Adora asked.

" I'm not in your head. You're just very bad at hiding your feelings. Is it about me?"I asked.

"I'm fine and no, it's not about you."Adora spoke.

" Is it Bow? Glimmer? Catra? The Horde?"I beckoned.

"Stop. I'm fine, I promise. Just... let me think."Adora yelled causing me to flinch slightly.

"Okay. I'm gonna do a few loop-de-loops."I said flying.

"Hey velocity."Adora yelled at me

"What's up?"I asked flying down to her.

"I think I found the Watchtower."Adora said to me.

We walked over to a Destroyed ruin covered in rubble.

Me and Adora gasped.

"Wow. Mara really did a number on this placem"I said looking at a  painted piece of stone with falca on it.

"So, let's put it back together. For the Honor of Grayskull!"Adora called out.

"by Tharis wings"

Adora sighed.

"She-Ra and Tharis. Forging a sacred bond. Fixing a magic tower. With a magical sword and gauntlets"I sung telepathically.

"Try concentrating. Focus the She-Ra. She-Ra..."Shera yelled at me."I can't concentrate when you're distracting me! This worked in Salineas."

"Hey, you know what might help? Loop-de-loops, with me. Get on my back."I said laying down for her to jump on

"Velocity, you're not taking this seriously."Shera yelled.

"I'm just saying everything's better with loop-de-loops."I whispered.

"It's fine, I got this,just sit down and stay that"Adora said to me as I whinnied.

" Still got this."Shera said.

No pov:

" How's that look?"Shera asked.

"You know what? I don't think that one goes there after all. In fact, it might be upside down. Maybe you should take it all apart and start again? You seem stressed."Tharis asked her girlfriend telepathically" Why don't we list all our favorite things until we feel better? I'll go flying,meat, fish,books, plushies"

"What are you doing?"Shera yelled causing Tharis to flinch

" I'm helping! I'm She-Ra's steed and mate and that's what I do."Velocity cried.

" This isn't helping! Can you just stay out of my way for once!"Adora yelled.

Shattered Scales(Adora X Oc X Catra)DiscountedWhere stories live. Discover now