roll with it part one

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No pov:

Horde flag flapped in wind; guards walk along the outer wall; She-Ra, Tharis, Glimmer, and Bow were in the middle of scaling a cliff just below the outpost; Bow grunts as he finishes climbing up the cliff; She-Ra gasps as she glances down at the steep drop.

" Ooh, okay. We need to find a way to reclaim the Horde-occupied fortress for The Rebellion. So how are we gonna do this?"Shera gasped as she caught her breath.Tharis waiting underneath to catch her in her light Tharis form.

"I'll teleport ahead to scout out a path through their defenses."Glimmer said

"And I'll quietly shoot the closest turrets with my trick-arrows."Bow said an arrow he held up shings.

"You'll have the advantage in a sneak-attack. ...Go!"Shera commanded as Tharises paws gripped the wall.

A bird chirps, perched atop a Horde turret; the guard manning the turret yawned. Glimmer teleports behind the guard and whacks them with her staff; a guard grunts as She-Ra punches them; more guards grunt when Bow shoots them with goo arrows.

" Yes! And now--"bow yelled triumphantly but he grunts as he falls after being blasted by a turret shot.

She-Ra gasps as she,tharis and Glimmer look over the wall to where Bow falls into the valley, wind blowing; Glimmer sobbbed as Tharis growled somberly.

"He's...dead..."Shera said sadly and in disbelief.

A Tiny Bow figurine clatters on the table.

" Oh, what?! "Bow groaned as he yelled."Tiny Bow, you will be avenged!" He sobs and  grunts when he slams his upper half down on the table.

"That clearly isn't going to work. Let's try this again."Adora said with velocity in her lap who was going beet red we she sits the  She-Ra figurine down on the table.

Velocitys Pov:

"I shouldn't be dead. That turret came out of nowhere..."Bow said sounding annoyed.

"That's because you failed to make a successful observation check."Glimmer said back" If we're going to retake the pass, we have to be prepared for anything."

The pass is the only way in or out of this region. According to the reports, the Horde seized it while we were busy defending Bright Moon"I said picking a loose feather out if my wing.Adora placed my figurine (picture above) and hers together on the map"so it's crucial that we get it back."Adora said agreeing.

"Why does that mean I have to die? And after I made these for you."bow halfed whined.

Adora puts her hands to her temples, frustrated."Look, our plans always fall apart."she said raising her pitch"Always!"

"It would be impressive if it wasn't terrifying."

"We have gotten really good at improvising, though."I said with a thumbs up as Adora smirked at me and flicked my forehead.

"If we're gonna pull this off, we need to come up with a plan that won't fall apart,"She said as her frustration grew so I wrapped my tail around her wrist.

"and a plan that takes into account everything the Horde could possibly throw at us, including surprise attacks."

"Okay, but you're breaking Tiny Bow's heart."Bow said as he gestures to the Tiny Bow figurine "I mean, look at his face!"

"He's smiling."Glimmer said unimpressed.

Through his pain, Glimmer."he whispers urgently to Adora"Clearly, that last plan won't work. So maybe, if we try sneaking past the turrets from a different side--"

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