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Arthur was sitting at the back of the classroom beside the window at far left. Everyone was loud inside the room, happy to share their perfect vacation to their friends. Arthur put his earphones on, closed his eyes and tried to block the noise inside the classroom. It was not long after he put his earphones on when he heard a demeaning noise and laughs from a group of people who just entered their classroom, and even a fool was smart enough to know where does those voices belong. Arthur remained on his seat with eyes still closed and ignored them like what he always do for two years now but still silently pray that they will ignore him too. But heaven already decided long ago that he was the least favorite one, when Arthur felt his earphone being took out of his right ear and he was not surprised anymore to know that Justin did it. Fucking asshole  he thought. Arthur didn't open his eyes and just gave the latter a cold treatment but the boy beside him was just eager to ruin Arthur's day.

"Hey Art, what's up? It's senior year and you're still ignoring us? I was so excited to come here earlier because I thought you'll finally talk to us."

Ignore him Art.

"Dude it's one more year and we gonna be on our own ways, don't you really care about us anymore that you will stay like this until graduation?" Justin whined a little this time.

Just ignore him, he'll eventually give up.

"Hey, I don't know what is with you but I hope you don't forget that I, Justin Vasquez don't give up easily. So you better turn your attention to me now before I take that another earphone in your left ear too."

Still, Justin got no answer from Arthur. Justin was about to take the other earphone out of Arthur's ear when the latter snapped his eyes open and looked deadly in Justin's eyes.

"For fuck's sake Justin, how many times will I tell you to get the fuck away from me?!"

"Not until you agree to sit with us on lunch during lunch breaks." Justin smiled at Arthur.

Arthur was about to reply when the person on the other table beside Justin spoke up.

"Dude, it's been two years already, Arthur clearly doesn't want anything to do with us anymore. Just drop it." Travis said to Justin.

Arthur got slightly offended to Travis' words and turned his eye to Justin.

"Yeah, why don't you just fucking listen to your FRIEND once and get the hell off of my face?" Snapped Arthur to the poor Justin.

Justin's shoulder slumped, he dropped Arthur's earphone, stood up and whispered asshole before he walked away. Arthur heard it and he felt a little guilty, he is a little bit harsh and he knew that, but he wouldn't admit and show it to them. Arthur stared at Justin's retreating back until his eyes landed on a very familiar face, already watching him. They held stares for seconds until the person looked away and turned his attention to the girl beside him, his girlfriend.

They're still together huh? Arthur said in his mind. Told me it was just a fling. What an asshole. And stupid me to believe it's true.

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