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Arthur was patiently waiting for someone to open the gate, actually, he was praying real hard that no one will answer the bell. But his prayer was immediately rejected when someone did open the door. Arthur's breath got hitch and he was frozen to his spot. The guard just raised his eyebrow at him and for the record, Arthur was lost for his words. He opened his mouth and closed it again, as if finding the right words to say. The guard just looked at him impatiently, Arthur closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply. He's here now, there is no going back anymore.

"I was hired for a tutor job for the Cortez's daughter. Arthur Valle is the name." Arthur told the guard. The guard looked at him briefly and then looked at the log book looking for Arthur's name. When he did, he commanded Arthur to sign on the log book and then he let Arthur went inside after.

After two long years, Arthur finally got the chance to step inside the house he once treated as his second home. The house or should Arthur say the mansion didn't change a bit. It was still big and grand as Arthur last remember it's structure two years ago. Arthur was just standing in front of the mansion, not really have the desire to get inside when suddenly a butler appeared on his sight. Arthur suddenly felt a rush of emotions upon seeing the man in front of him. Arthur tried his best to remain stoic despite him wanting to run to the butler and hug him as tight as he could. The man stood in front of him and to Arthur's surprise, he suddenly hugged Arthur firmly, as if a father welcoming his son back home. Arthur swallowed the lump in his throat, he blinks fast to prevent the tears to fall down. As much as how he missed the man that was hugging him right now, he just couldn't let his tears out, not here at least. The old man released his hug into Arthur and looked at him with a teary eyes.

"My, you've really grown into a fine young man now. How long is it? Three years? I thought I will never see you here again." The man told Arthur solemnly

"I'm just here for a job, Philip. That's all." Arthur bit the inside of his cheek, he didn't want to be sound rude, but he also didn't want the man to assume something that isn't going to happen anymore. But instead of getting offended by what Arthur said, Philip just smiled at him and led the way for him.

"I know that son. I'm just happy that you accepted it. This house changed ever since you stopped coming here you know?" The old man smiled at him sadly. Arthur was confused, but he didn't want to pry because it's none of his business anymore. The big oak door opened and just like what Arthur was expecting, his memories at the house came rushing back at him like a big flash of waves. But Arthur noticed something, he didn't know if it was just him or the house didn't feel like home anymore. Arthur noticed that the once happy and nice ambiance feels like there is no one living at the house anymore. The furniture and the big chandelier that probably cost more than his life was still there, the house still look like a mansion, but Arthur just feel that this isn't a home to anyone now. Maybe because it really wasn't a home to me anymore. He thought to himself. He looked at Philip and found him already looking at him.

"I know what you are thinking. And you and me both son. You and me both."

Arthur didn't know what was the butler was talking about but he just shrug and followed him. The old man led Arthur up the stairs to Kate's room, Kevin's sister. The mansion have five rooms, and he knew perfectly where each room belongs to and that counts Kevin's. Kate's room was just across Kevin's room at the far end of the hallway and when they reached her room, Arthur couldn't help himself but to look at the other room, the butler noticed him looking at the other room.

"He's still not here if you're just wondering. He rarely comes home this early these days. You'll probably be gone when he arrives."

The butler told Arthur. Arthur wanted to ask why but kept his mouth shut and looked at the door in front of him. Philip knocked on the door and they both heard shuffled inside, a minute later, someone opened the door and a not so little girl who is a carbon copy of Kevin peaked at the door. She looked at the butler first but when her eyes landed on Arthur, she gave Arthur a confused look. When realization dawned on her, she suddenly stared at Arthur with wide eyes. Arthur looked uneasy, he suddenly panicked at the way the little child was looking at him.

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