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The pitter-patter of rain on the roof and on the concrete outside the house can be heard in Kevin's room. He was sitting on his bed, hugging his legs and staring outside, admiring the rain droplets on his window. Kevin loves rain, it always calm his nerves and his mind. He was replaying what happened earlier in his mind, and no matter how much he thought about it, Kevin couldn't think of any reason as to why does Arthur's mother was undergoing a therapy. Was he wrong and it was actually Arthur who has been undergoing a therapy? Kevin's curiosity increased more when he just thought that Arthur has been working weekdays and even during weekends which was so unusual because Arthur's family are a well-off family too. Did something happened? Did their parents lose their job? But that doesn't make sense because Kevin know Arthur's father will never let him have a job at a young age even if their parents loose a job. Besides, Arthur's father is a hardworking person, a respected public lawyer in the town and a friend to many, so he couldn't just easily lost a job. Kevin dismissed the thought, he didn't even know why he was minding other people's business, but he just couldn't help but to be curious since that family once became his family also. Kevin let out a tired sigh and lay down, eyes fixated on the ceiling. It's already two o'clock in the morning and just like any other nights, sleep once again doesn't want to visit him. It is like one of those many nights where his mind was troubled and he was searching for answers on his own, and ended up being frustrated and depressed when he couldn't find any. Funny how he badly wants to know how Arthur's family is, when he is always ready to kill if someone discover his fucked up life.


It was Sunday afternoon and Kevin was at his room sitting in front of his computer playing video games. He was so engrossed to what he is doing that he didn't notice someone suddenly barged into his room, not when the person took his headphone away from his ears that surprised him. Kevin turn around and saw Jaden standing in front of him, holding a paper bag in his hand.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you bro but I really need your help right now." Jaden looked at him, eyes already pleading. Kevin chuckled and paused his game. He stood up and stretched his arms.

"Nah, it's okay. What's up?"

"Can you please deliver this art materials in Arthur's house? You are my last resort now because those douchebags that we called friends are busy right now. I want to deliver it personally but my mom will kill me if I didn't show up at our family lunch any minute from now, please?"

"Are you for real right now Jaden? Me? You asked me to deliver that into that person's house?" Jaden released a sigh, he knew Kevin would decline, but he will not stop until the boy in front of him say yes, Arthur needs the materials now.

"Can you please set aside your hate for once and do me a favor this time? I promise I'll do anything you want just please take this to Arthur's house" Jaden pleads to the boy. Kevin reluctantly looked at him, eyebrow rising.


"Uh, yes?"

Jaden looks at Kevin with anticipation, he glanced at his wrist watch, five minutes left and he will be late in their family's get together.


Jaden looked up, not expecting Kevin's response but thankful that the boy said yes


"You want me to take it back now?"

"What? No, of course. Dude you really are an angel. You just saved me from my family's wrath. Here take this, I gotta go now, thanks."

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