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Tuesday morning came and Arthur came to school early, sitting anxiously on his seat. He had his earphones on but his mind was going haywire as of the moment. The young boy was fidgeting his hands under his seat and he was obviously nervous. And the main reason was that Arthur forgot to tell Kate yesterday to refrain from telling Kevin, that he was tutoring her. And being a kid, Arthur was afraid Kate got excited and told it already to his brother. Arthur didn't even know why he was nervous, it is not like he was afraid of Kevin, but Arthur is more of afraid Kevin would react badly to that kind of news. Fifteen minutes later and the students started to come inside the classroom, signaling that the class was about to start. Arthur keeps on eyeing the door, anxious for the group of particular boys to enter the room. He was counting and praying on his mind that Kate didn't told about him to Kevin. Five minutes before the class started, a loud group suddenly entered the room and Arthur's heartbeat started to beat fast in a million times. He was afraid to look at them, people may see him as the unbothered one right now but deep inside Arthur was already bothered by the group especially by the particular person and by his thoughts. Arthur finally got the courage to glanced at them and finally released his breath that he didn't know he was holding when he saw them not looking at him and just ignoring him. Jaden saw Arthur at the corner of his eyes and looked at him then smiled at him and Arthur managed to smile back despite his anxious self. Arthur noticed that Jun and Kevin are okay now, well they are on speaking terms again so maybe it wasn't that bad, he thought.


Arthur was standing on a bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrived. His class was done and he was on his way now to his part time job. He was praying that Kevin will not go home early today, he's fine going there and him not knowing about the job. Arthur was too engrossed in his own world he didn't noticed Justin coming on his way. Justin saw Arthur and was confused because Arthur was waiting on the wrong bus stop, his home was on the opposite way, he came close to Arthur thinking why was he there. He approached Arthur and tapped him on his shoulder and the latter jumped a little, startled by Justin's action. Arthur turn around and saw Justin looking at him with confused eyes and he knew exactly what the boy was thinking. Arthur cursed under his breath, he forgot that Justin and Kevin live on the same neighborhood and Justin didn't have his own car so he ride bus most of the times. His plan on keeping this part time job in his own is a bit impossible now cause he knew well Justin would not stop interrogating him.

"What are you doing here Art? Isn't your home in the opposite way?" Justin started questioning Arthur and at this point, Arthur wished for the earth to swallow him down. He didn't want to answer Justin because mainly, Arthur didn't know what kind of excuse would he tell. Justin raised his eyebrows at Arthur, waiting for the boy to speak up, and Arthur looked at him, mimicking Justin's face.

"I have a part time tutor job at your neighbor that's why I'm here." Arthur finally gave in after an eternity of having an eye to eye battle with Justin. He was tapping his foot hard on the concrete, wishing for the bus to arrive already so that Justin would stop asking him.

"Really? Who's child? Is the place near our house? Oh, and when did you start? I haven't seen you here since now." Arthur knew that Justin was very noisy. He was always annoyed on how Justin could talk nonstop. Before, he would always stuff food in his mouth just for him to shut up. The scene was hilarious that they would end up laughing on Justin's face. Arthur laughed to himself at the thought

"Why are you smiling?" Arthur forgot that Justin was still beside him so he quickly dismissed the thought in his mind.

"I just started yesterday."

Justin was about to ask more when the bus suddenly arrived and for the first time, Arthur thanked the heaven for granting his wish. He immediately hopped on the bus and smiled at the bus rider. The driver just looked at him, dumbfounded. He sat on the available chair beside the old woman. The old woman looked at him bewildered, and then gave him a dirty look because there are a lot of vacant seats, but Arthur doesn't seem to care at all. He would rather seat beside the woman who keep on giving him weird looks than to talk with Justin for the whole ride. Justin saw the woman's look on Arthur and he stifled a laugh, he find Arthur funny for being that desperate to stay away from him. Justin should be hurt by Arthur's action, but he find the woman's reaction and Arthur's situation hilarious.

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