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(J-line members went home today I am so freaking emotional😭 made me miss home too. Oh btw, the song above was freaking good that it end up on my spotify playlist)

Weekend went by quickly, and before Arthur realize it, it's already Monday. Class was done and the school corridor was full of students trying to get home early, some are heading to their after school practice. On the other side of the corridor, Arthur can be seen banging his head at his locker for five minutes now, deep in his thoughts. The students that was passing by the locker gave him dirty eyes, some are snickering because he looked like an idiot in his state. But Arthur didn't mind them, he was thinking about his part time job today and he was thinking of backing out. Applying for that job was a bad idea already and going into that house was the worst part. Arthur heaved a long and heavy sigh and closed his eyes firmly and banged his head on his locker a little hard.

"Hey Art, do you want to have a concussion or something?" Justin said to Arthur when they saw what the latter was doing. Justin was with Travis and Jaden now

Arthur didn't answer him. He just continuously banged his head wishing for the earth to swallow him now so that he would not go in that house. Jaden walked up to him and put his hand on Arthur's forehead so that Arthur would stop on what he is doing now. Arthur stop and looked up at him.

"Something's bothering you bud? You know you can always talk to me so you can stop torturing this poor thing here." Jaden said to him

Arthur suddenly grabbed Jaden's hand and took him away from Justin and Travis. The two just looked at each other and shrugged and decided to go home. Jaden was confused, but he didn't asked his friend right away. They were walking for almost five minutes around the campus when Arthur finally stopped. He turned into Jaden, looked him in the eye and opened his mouth to say something but Arthur just couldn't let the words out.

"Go on bud, take your time." Jaden calmly told Arthur. Jaden knew that something is bothering him, and he didn't want Arthur to push a conversation that the boy wasn't ready to have.

"I got a fucking job and now I am regretting it."  Arthur said while wandering his eyes in the football field. Jaden furrowed his eyebrows but he didn't say anything. He just let Arthur to continue his words.

"Last Wednesday, I applied for a tutor job, I was hired on the spot. But I didn't know why among those who were looking for a tutor, I applied for the Cortez's, I'm dumb I know. But you know what's the worst part? I have to teach their daughter in their house. In their fucking house Jaden!"  Arthur exclaimed while gripping his hair hard out of frustration.

"Wait, by means Cortez you mean the Cortez? As in Kevin Cortez and Kevin's sister?" Jaden asked, he wanted to think that Arthur must be kidding right now but by the look of frustration that was plastered all over Arthur's face, looks like the latter wasn't kidding at all.

"Fucking yes"  Arthur just closed his eyes firmly and looked at the sky, silently praying that the Cortez may cancel this job for him

"Is Kevin aware about this already?"

Arthur shakes his head, he didn't know to be honest.

"Maybe yes, maybe not. This is why I also want to cancel this job. I knew he will react badly when he saw me in their house, no person would be happy to see someone you haven't talked to for years just freely roaming their house."

Jaden agreed at half of what Arthur said, but he also know Kevin for long that the latter wouldn't just punch Arthur in the face and drags him outside if he sees Arthur inside their house.

"I'm sure it's not that bad Art, well if Kevin saw you there in their house he might surely be surprised but you know, his parents hired you. And I know you want to distance yourself to him but I know too that Kevin will not bother you when he found out you're just there to help his sister."  Jaden said, assuring Arthur with his words. Though Jaden was a bit anxious too on how Kevin will react about this, at least he knows that Kevin will not do something bad to Arthur.

"I don't know. If it wasn't for the good rate I wouldn't apply for it in the first place. I just need money you know, since we're going to college sooner." Arthur sighed heavily, he's been sighing a lot lately that the angels probably doing a bet on him on how many times he will sigh per day.

"I know that no matter how much I persuade you to accept my mom's help you will never accept it. You just have to think why you are doing that, I know it's hard but I know it will get better soon too bud. Just call me if a problem happen 'kay?" Jaden smiled at Arthur, he knew that the boy was really having a hard time when it comes to finances these days, and the least that he can do is to assure Arthur and gave positive advises.

"Yeah, thanks." Arthur want to say more. To express his gratitude for Jaden, but he is really bad at expressing his emotions that he sometimes end up looking like an ungrateful ass. Jaden smiled at him, he knew by the look of Arthur's eyes that his friend is grateful to him, and it's already more than enough for him.

"You want me to drive you there or you're just going to commute?"

"I think I'm fine going there by my own. You know, to sort my mind out." 

But Jaden just pulled Arthur and started walking in his car.

"Nah, let me drive you. Sort your mind in my car while I'm driving you. Looking at your state you might end up in the wrong stop if you commute."

Arthur was about to protest, but he gradually let Jaden drove him because Jaden was right, he might end up in a wrong bus stop or worst, he will head to his home and quit the job on the first day.

Jaden started driving off and the two went on a comfortable silence. But not Arthur's mind. His mind was going on a thousand worst possibilities that is going to happen in a few hours ahead and he feels his head would explode just by thinking it. Arthur didn't want to face Kevin today, but it's a bit impossible because that is where he live. What if Kevin forced him to get out of his house? Or worse, drag him out of the house? Arthur was thinking those things hard that he didn't realized he was tapping his foot hard on Jaden's car. Jaden noticed Arthur's uneasiness

"Do not overthink it Art, you'll gonna be okay. Kevin's not going to hurt you. I bet he will just ignore you." Jaden assured Arthur. The words calmed him a little bit but the thought of Kevin ignoring him gave him a slight pang in his heart. As if he's not ignoring him for two years now. He just released a heavy sigh and open the window to his side and sniffed the air. The air always calm his mind and his thoughts.

Thirty minutes later and they arrived at his destination. Arthur gave an uneasy look at the tall gate. His palms are sweating right now. He was nervous, and Jaden could clearly see it. Jaden tapped Arthur's shoulder and the latter looked at him, face looks like he was in the verge of breaking down. Jaden gave him a sympathetic smile. Arthur wasn't just scared, he was obviously reminiscing his past here, he knows Arthur still can clearly remember his past in that house, and Jaden could see it in the boy's eyes.

"Just call me if something happen okay? It's going to be alright." Jaden assured his friend once more but Arthur was clearly not going to buy his friend's words this time. He held his breath and released it, nod at Jaden and finally get out of the car. Jaden smiled at him for one last time and drove off, leaving him there alone and nervous. Arthur turn around and faced the tall gate that is dividing the house that he once called home. Arthur can already see the memories came rushing back at him like waves. He swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat and finally decided to ring the bell.

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