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Kevin entered the room and the sight in front of him is not heartbreaking, but it is devastating. Hundreds of crumpled papers everywhere; on the carpet floor and bed. There were a lot of boxes and pictures scattering on the bed, and there he was, Arthur, sitting on his computer table, head bent down. On Kevin's view, it looks like the boy has been drawing nonstop for days now. Kevin gently closed the door, and Arthur is still not looking at him. Kevin didn't know if Arthur doesn't heard him entered the room, or the boy is just too lost in his own world. Kevin picks up the crumpled paper that was laying on his foot and look on the drawings. Kevin was shocked to say the least, he put down the paper and picked up some more. Kevin's mind was blown but at the same time felt worried as hell because the drawings were all the same; a man lying down bleeding to death with a child beside him. Kevin didn't know why and when did Arthur started to have an interest in gruesome art, or just how messed up Arthur is right now. Kevin walks closer to Arthur and gently tapped him on his shoulder. Arthur was startled, he jump out of surprised and almost fall on his chair. Arthur immediately looked and made an eye contact with Kevin. Kevin's heart shattered into pieces at the sight of the boy in front of him. Bloodshot and puffy eyes, dried and chapped lips possibly for not eating or even drinking for days, messy hair and heavy eye bags. Kevin didn't know what is happening, he wanted to ask questions, Kevin at least wanted to know why Arthur is being like this right now but the older couldn't pushed the words outside his mouth, he was too stunned to see Arthur this messed up.

"Hey." Kevin spoke softly, afraid that Arthur would break down in any moment. He sat down on the bed and gently pulled around Arthur's seat so that Arthur would face him. Kevin looks at him softly, his heart was breaking at how miserable Arthur's look and situation is right now, he literally looks like a living zombie. Arthur looks down to avoid Kevin's bold inspection at his current state, but Arthur's mind couldn't actually grasp that Kevin was with him right now, his mind was in a state of dreaming or should he say, hallucinating. Kevin gently put his hands on Arthur's hands and peek down on the boy, eager to catch his eyes.

"Look at me please." Kevin gently pleads. Arthur doesn't respond, he just keep on picking his nail that it's about to bleed at any moment. Kevin gently stopped him from what he is doing and clasped their hands together. Kevin couldn't put it in words, but it feels like Arthur's soul is dead already. His heart is aching at the fact that Arthur's eyes right now doesn't look alive anymore, like Arthur was alive but he is already dead inside.

"I know you are not okay, and I will not ask why. But to me, I'm here Art. Please tell me what's wrong." Kevin gently spoke. He caressed Arthur's hands, patiently waiting for him to reply.

Arthur slightly looked up and stare at Kevin's soft eyes towards him. It must be Kevin's stare, or it must be his beautiful eyes that seems like Arthur suddenly was brought back to reality. When his mind finally understand that Kevin was right in front of him, his emotions suddenly started to bottle up. A single tear rolled down on Arthur's face, and it follows a second tear, until a series of tears fall down. Arthur's mind has been stuck to what happened two years ago for five days. The constant nightmares made his mind fucked up to the point that Arthur couldn't tell what is reality and nightmare anymore. Arthur has been in that state for five days. But when he realized he was finally in reality, suddenly the pain, the horrible memories that always haunt him every single day, the constant reminder of how he lost his loved one in front of him, the past threats that gave him traumas to this day came rushing back to him like a big flash of waves. Suddenly, Arthur felt tired, not physically but emotionally and mentally. Arthur kept on staring at Kevin while his tears keep on silently falling down his face and wonder what horrible things did he do in his past life to deserve this kind of life he has right now.

Kevin grabbed Arthur and hugged him, he let him cry on his shoulder. The moment Arthur felt Kevin's hands wrapped around him, the silent cry turn into sobs. For every sobs of Arthur, Kevin's heart was breaking, his eyes are getting blurry because of his tears too. Kevin didn't know the reason behind Arthur's tears, he didn't know what Arthur has been going thru, but he knows and can definitely feel the pain Arthur has right now. The past two years must have been really tough for Arthur, and Kevin couldn't feel but be sad that he wasn't there to help the younger. Kevin held Arthur into his arms for like eternity, and he continuously whispered words of assurance to Arthur minute by minute until the sobs subside. Arthur didn't move away from Kevin's hold, they just stayed like that. Kevin almost thought that Arthur dozed off on his shoulder when the younger hasn't been making a sound for like fifteen minutes already but he didn't mind. The look on Arthur's face earlier when Kevin saw him looked like the younger haven't slept for days. Arthur silently sniffs and slowly moved away from Kevin's hold. His eyes are really puffy now, Kevin lifts up his hand and wipes the tear stained on Arthur's face. Kevin cups Arthur's face and looks at him dearly, like Kevin is ready to throw the past away just to be with Arthur again.

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