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Hello loves, I'm really really sorry for not being able to update for almost a week. I've been really busy at work and I had to take care of some personal matters. I hope you'll not abandon this story. 🙁 I'll try my best to update again regularly. Have a great Saturday everyone. 💗

Monday came and Yongsan High's cafeteria is loud as it is always. Jun, Jaden, Travis and Justin were sitting in their usual seat, Kevin was nowhere to be found. They were wondering where is he but they shrugged it off, as if Kevin missing their lunch is a usual thing now not until Travis caught someone's attention.

"Hey, Jun. Look at your right at the football team table."

Jun looked to where Travis was pointing him at and he immediately clenched his jaw on what he saw.

"I can't believe I almost chose her over my friendship with Kevin." Jun spat shaking his head. He saw Eliz, exchanging faces with a football captain.

"What can I say, you're dumb and stupid and dumb and stupid and--"

"I swear to god Justin if you finish your sentence now you'll gonna have an eye black too like Kevin."

"What? You don't want me to tell you and handsome? Okay, suit yourself." Jun just rolled his eyes to his friend in front of him, he knows he is dumb, but Justin is more dumber, and oblivious to the feelings of the boy beside him. They continued their conversation and talk about random things when Jaden spotted Kevin walking inside the cafeteria to their table. They all stopped talking, especially Justin whose mouth quickly dropped, when they saw Arthur at the back of Kevin, following him. The four were dumbfounded and even the other students started to stare at them. The two started to get the attention of the students inside but Kevin couldn't care less, except for the anxious Arthur behind him. When they reached their group, Kevin just simply sat down and even managed to steal some fries at Justin's plate. That was when Justin went back to his senses.

"Hey!" He slapped Kevin's arm, preventing him to get more.

Arthur anxiously sat down beside Kevin which unfortunately is in front of Travis. The latter keeps on glaring at him like a mad man and Arthur awkwardly cleared his throat, eyes looking everywhere but Travis.

"Wow." Justin utters . He is also in front of Arthur beside Travis.

"Woooooow." Justin said again longer. Still couldn't grasp what he is seeing right now.

"Woooow." This time Travis lightly punched him in the stomach, obviously annoyed at Justin's repetitive reaction.

"Stop it, youre irritating me." Justin side eyed Travis and continue to look at Arthur, lightly shaking his head.

"What?" Arthur almost whispered, the way his old friends were looking at him right now made him regretted that he agreed to Kevin's request earlier.

"Two years Art, I've been asking you for two years to sit with us during lunch and you kept on turning me down. Kevin asked you for what, one day? And you immediately agreed? Woooow." Justin unbelievably said again, he is kinda dissapointed, but he is more of happy that finally, Arthur is here again. Arthur immediately felt embarrassed, he didn't want Justin to feel that he is unfair, Arthur declined his offers numerous times before because he is still not ready back then. Kevin immediately feel Arthur's discomfort and scolded Justin.

"Hey, let's not bring back the past and be thankful that he is here again. Besides, I also had a hard time to make him agree with this." Arthur knew Kevin was lying, because he immediately agreed when Kevin asked him. Yep, he is whipped like that.

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