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Arthur was tapping his foot continuously on the hard floor. To say that he was uncomfortable right now was an understatement. He started to feel uneasy from the stares he was getting for quite a minutes now by the art students around him and Arthur swear he'll give Jaden a talk of two for leaving him there by his own. He looks at his wrist watch and stared impatiently at the auditorium door.

I swear to god Jaden I'll expose your deepest darkest secret if you didn't show up from any minute now. Arthur said in his mind. He didn't want to help the club, but Jaden dragged him inside leaving him there with no room for arguments. Two minutes have passed and Jaden finally appeared at the door, sweats covering his face, as if he just ran for miles. Jaden quickly came close to the group and gave them a sheepish smile, especially to Arthur who was shooting daggers at him at the moment.

"I'm really sorry guys, Mr. Kim cornered me and asked me for help so it took me long to come back."

Jaden sat down across Arthur and he looks at him pinching his nose bridge. Jaden ignored him and decided to introduce Arthur to the group.

"Uh guys this Arthur. Well I know all of you maybe already know him so yeah. Uh, since Steve wasn't able to participate in this preparation anymore, I asked this friend of mine to help us to prepare for the upcoming festival. For those who are not aware he was once a Vice President of the Art club until junior high. So yeah, he is a big help for us."

The other members just looked at Arthur, as if they couldn't believe what Jaden have said, Arthur just rolled his eyes and ignore the whispers of the kids around him.

After five minutes of discussion, they decided to start their decorations and went on their own assigned parts. Everyone were already in the middle of their works, but Arthur was still staring at the art materials in front of him. Arthur couldn't bear to hold them. His mind was blank and as much as he wants to have an idea on what he'll draw, it looks like his art talent already abandoned him. Arthur closed his eyes and heaved a sigh. Jaden came close to him and tapped his shoulder.

"You okay bro?"

Arthur didn't look at him. He opened his eyes and again look at the art materials. Arthur couldn't remember the last time he held a drawing pencil, hence a brush paint.

"I can't Jaden. I--- I'm having a mental block and I couldn't think of any design." Arthur helplessly told to Jaden. The latter furrowed his eyebrows, he somehow understand Arthur's situation because maybe it's been so long since the last time he draw.

"It's okay Art, you don't have to force yourself to have an output now. Take your time. I'll help you if you still find it hard to think of any designs."

The door of the auditorium suddenly opened and a bunch of dance and music club members came in. Arthur didn't look up to know who came in. He just stared helplessly at the materials in front of him, as if they were his long lost broken possession. Jaden stood up and gave him an assuring tap and leave him alone at the corner. Arthur exhaled heavily and hold the drawing pencil. The auditorium suddenly was full of loud students, but Arthur didn't mind them, he even couldn't hear what the students were saying, he was just too focus on the things in front of him. Arthur tried to draw, the pencil feels heavy in his hand, the pencil led feels hard on the canvas, everything doesn't sit right with him. Frustrated that he couldn't draw anything, Arthur gripped the pencil hard causing it to break into two. He hunched his shoulders and hung his head down. Arthur closed his eyes and gripped his hair out of frustration, making the broken pencil fall on the red carpet. At that moment, Arthur didn't know that Kevin has been watching him for a while now. Kevin can clearly see and feel Arthur's frustration from his position. Kevin didn't know why was the boy was being frustrated of his art, he knows perfectly that Arthur is as good as picasso. Kevin saw Arthur suddenly stood up and leave the room, and Jaden followed him immediately. He walked closer to Arthur's seat earlier and picked up the broken pencil. Kevin looks at the drawing sheet in front of him to see that it was just full of drawing lines, like a kid's first drawing experience. He looked back to where Arthur disappeared, and thought why Arthur looks like he couldn't draw anymore.

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