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A week have passed since Arthur and Kevin's last conversation at the convenient store happened. After that incident, Arthur started to get out of Kevin's way and he never look at his direction again. He was mad and hurt by what Kevin said that he couldn't bear to look at his face again without remembering his words. Did Kevin really hate him that much for him to say those words? It was Arthur's question to himself whenever he remembers it. It's also been almost a month since he started teaching his sister and Arthur never saw Kevin went home early except for that one time that Kevin almost caught him. Arthur was curious to where the boy always go and spent his time after school, he also noticed that he haven't seen their parents in the house whenever he went in their house.

"Did your brother always came home late?" Arthur asked the girl in front of him, eyebrows knitted in too much concentration on her math worksheet. Kate looked up at him with confusion in her eyes.

"Not always late, sometimes, well most of the times he come home early in the morning."

Now it was Arthur's turn to furrowed his eyebrows. He knows it is not his place to care but he couldn't help but to wonder where Kevin always go.

"And your parents? What about them? Aren't they mad that he rarely came home early?"

Kate looked up at Arthur again and the little girl stared at him with bored eyes. She was looking at Arthur like he was the dumbest person on earth and Arthur was confused for a second.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sometimes Art, you are too oblivious for your like. You and Kevin both are."

Arthur just continued to furrowed his eyebrows, it's normal that he was clueless of what happened and what is happening. He was gone for two years, it's not like he was always updated to their lives that Arthur was supposed to know what was happening. 

"Do you somehow have an idea where he always go?" Arthur didn't want to sound like a gossip man right now, he was just too curious that he couldn't help but asked. Kate just shrugged her shoulder and continued to answer her worksheets

"Dunno, maybe he's staying with that bitch always."

Arthur almost bulged his eyes out to Kate's unexpected response. Did Kate just cursed? Yes. Is she was talking about Kevin's girlfriend? Most definitely yes again.

"Harlene Kate did you just? Did you just cursed? And who are you talking about?" Arthur wasn't mad, he was just surprised

"What? Bitch? It's true tho, that Eliz Diaz who happened to be my brother's girlfriend is a BITCH."

Kate grimaced at the mention of Eliz's name as if it was a poison on her tongue. Arthur just stared widely at the little girl, unable to process what she just said. Was he surprised? Shocked? He didn't know. He got tongue tied and Kate rolled her eyes at Arthur's face

"Why-- why would you say that? Eliz seems nice." Arthur but question more than stated his words. Kate gave Arthur a sullen look and slammed her pencil on the desk, annoyed at Arthur's words.

"Oh please, she is far from nice, the person who even invented the word 'nice' would be mad if he or she knew that it was used on her. She is a manipulative, spoiled brat who's just hiding behind that saint looking face. I knew from the very first time I saw her that she is hiding something dirty behind her sleeve and I have proven it so many times." Kate exclaimed, face annoyed and mad as if she remembered something. When Arthur once said that Kate was an adult person living in a child's body, this is what he was talking about. How come the girl knew about it? But then, he also knew that Kate will never hate someone unless they did something bad to her, he's just a bit lucky that he managed to earn Kate's forgiveness.

"Let's not talk about her anymore, and don't ever tell those words to anyone most especially to Kevin okay? It's not good to hate someone when you didn't fully know them" Arthur scolded Kate but the girl just rolled her eyes at him, hate isn't something you can let go easily.

They dismissed their conversation and went on to their tutor studies. The two were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't even heard the sound of a car stopped on the garage, or even the steps of a person walking up the stairs or the creak of the study room door when someone opened it. They were so engrossed on what they were doing that they were both shocked to the core when someone suddenly spoke behind them

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

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