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"What the fuck is going on here?"

Arthur froze on his seat, Kate immediately stood up and stared widely at Kevin, surprised was evident on her face. However, Arthur didn't turn his back and looked at Kevin, he closed his eyes firmly and cursed under his breath. Arthur didn't have to look back, he knew Kevin knows it's him.

"What the fuck is going on here and why this fucking asshole is here inside our house?" Kevin exclaimed veins popping in his neck, he was enraged because he felt betrayed and being disrespected that someone went behind his back again. Kate just stood there, unable to explain why Arthur was there, she looked scared because Kevin looks like he is going to loose his shit anytime. Arthur finally decided to stand up and faced Kevin. He looks composed but his mind and his heart was obviously isn't. Arthur stared directly at Kevin's eyes and all he can see was pure rage, disgust and hurt, but he is not sure about the latter part.

"I'm here because I got a job to tutor your sister." Arthur started, he knows that whatever he says right now would add more fuel to the fire that Kevin's rage has towards him.

"You got a tutor job? Wow. Of all the tutor jobs out there you chose my sister? How fucking hypocrite you are. And I don't think you just started because it looks like the both of you are already going well. I knew you were sneaky but I didn't know you were this dirty sneaky" Kevin hissed at Arthur. Arthur didn't reply, he just looked at Kevin blankly. Arthur knew he was wrong again this time, he should have told it to Kevin sooner, but the young lad doesn't have the guts to admit it to Kevin.

"On what part does my job concern you? Your parents gave me this job and not you, so I don't think I am entitled to report you that, if in any case I must report to your parents and not at you."

Arthur calmly said to Kevin. He can see that Kevin was so furious after he said that. Kevin balled his fist on his side and glared at Arthur, eyes full of hatred at the mention of his parents and he walked closely to Arthur.

"Oh, so you're my parents puppet now? I didn't know you were this desperate Del Valle. What exactly do you want huh? Money? Is that what you want? Tell me how much do you want and I will give it to you right away just stay the fuck away from Kate."

"One million" Arthur stated. Kevin looked at him confused for a split second and when he realized what Arthur said, he looked at him with pure disgust.

"Give me one million and I will stay away from Kate, from you and from those people whom you know. I won't even look at your direction or their direction anymore. Just give me one million." And though Arthur was shorter than Kevin, he managed to look at him directly in his eyes. Kevin can hear Kate calling his name, pleading, but he ignored her.

"You are fucking unbelievable Del Valle. Since when do you start being a gold digger, huh? What, did daddy stopped feeding you and your family?"

That was all it takes for Arthur to lose his shit. He quickly grabbed Kevin's collar and slammed him in the wall. Kevin was taken by surprised to Arthur's quick action, his back hurts for slamming him hard at the wall. And though Kevin was taller than Arthur, Arthur managed to towered him and looked at him with pure rage, the very first time he saw Arthur that furious.

"You can fucking insult me anytime you want but leave my family out of your fucking filthy mouth. You don't know everything and you don't have the fucking right to talk shit about them." Arthur seethed at Kevin, Kevin was lost for words for a second, this was the first time he saw Arthur being this furious but he managed to pushed Arthur away and glared at him. Unbeknownst to them,  Kate was crying at the corner, body trembling out of fear because of the two people fighting in front of her. The fights gave her flashbacks and she was now having a panic attack. Arthur heard Kate's hiccups and he looked back at her, he immediately ran at her when he saw that she was having a hard time breathing.

"Hey, you okay? Just breath okay? It's alright, it's going to be alright." Arthur worriedly asked and tell Kate. When Kevin came back to his senses was when he realized that Kate was also inside the room, he also ran towards her when he saw Arthur ran and worriedly asked the little girl. Kevin pushed Arthur away and he looked at Kate, eyes full of panic, hurt and regret.

"Hey som, look at me. It's Vin look at me. Just inhale okay? Inhale deeply. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Big brother is here, you're going to be okay. You are okay" Kevin hugged his sister while whispering assuring words at her. Kate's helpless cries didn't stop and Arthur was worried and confused on what he is currently witnessing. He just looked at them, he didn't know what was happening. Arthur looked at Kevin and his eyes were glistening, like he was on the verge of crying. Arthur was worried at Kate too, he looked at them both and the two looked lost in their own worlds, he wants answers but he didn't try to pry and disturb them more. Arthur silently stood up, grabbed his things and walked out of the house.

He was sitting at the far end of the bus and was recalling everything that happened today. He didn't know why Kate suddenly acted like that, or why Kevin looked like he was broken into pieces when he saw Kate in that situation. Arthur was curious and worried at the same time. But there is one thing that has been bugging on his mind that time,

What happened to their family?

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