Poof. Poof. Poof.

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Poof. Black smoke surrounds her. Poof. She's gone again. Poof. She's been taken from me again. Poof. Poof. Poof. My Alice, has left me all over again.

Everyone is scrambling, kicking, and shouting. Even the Queen is rambling to her sister trying to figure out what to do. Everyone, but me. I'm stuck in the same spot I was put in. Emiliza's magic isn't keeping me here, though, no. I'm just too stuck in me own head.

Alice is gone again.

She left again.

Poof. Poof. Poof.

But she didn't leave... No...

Black witch did it.

Poof. Poof. Poof.

She was taken.


I clench my fits and I swear I felt actual steam come out of my ears. Like my train of thought has finally exploded. Finally decided to go off.

She's taken her.

My Alice.

Poof. Poof. Poof.

She went. Taken t' be thrown into thee' madness. Thrown into thee' black witches madness.

Poof. Poof. Poof.

But thee' threats.

The steam stopped. Thee' black witches threats played back in me head. "Even the bad ones," she said and started right at ME. Right at me. She knows. She knows!

I run over to Mirana and whip her around by the shoulder. I've never laid a hand on our Queen before, but right now I didn't care. The madness has bloomed and Alice has went Poof. Poof. Poof.

Mirana is shocked by the whiplash. I didn't throw her around to hurt her, but I wanted her attention. "Your majesty, who was tat' witch!" Everyone halted there own madness. No longer buzzing, or shouting, or bouncin'. All eyes on thee' Queen.

Mirana looks weakened and stressed. She can't get a word out. "I- I-," that's all she says.

I shake her and yell, "WHO WAS TAT' WITCH!"

"Hatter!" Mallymkun yells to me from a few feet away. I whip me head sharply to her. She's shaking her head and that's how I know, I went to far. To far on Mirana. To far into madness

I slowly un-clamp my hands from our Queen's shoulder and remember she is our Queen. "I'm sorry, your majesty," I feel as small as Mallymkun while apologizing.

After a few seconds of my shame, Mirana pats the hat on my head and whispers to me. Making sure I was the only one to hear, "It's alright, Hatter. I understand how you feel." I slowly look into her eyes. She had knowing eyes. She knows. But of course, she knows! I like to think the Queen is all knowing, but after that... person... took my Alice, I'm not so sure if she is the person to be called "all knowing."

Mirana is very observant, though. Ever since my change, she's been extra fragile with me. Only asking for hats when needed. Only asking me to work if most important.

"You majesty, what did the witch want?" It was McTwisp that asked this time with his small little voice. Mirana went pale - well - more pale then usual, and looked away from him. Declining an answer.

Iracebeth was the one that stepped up this time. Though she didn't ask a question, "Mirana, you must tell them." It wasn't a demand either, just a slight push. But this also means Iracebeth knows. She knows too. Not about me, no. But about the bloody black witch.

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