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I heard him. I heard Hatter's voice. I didn't know where it was coming from, but then I heard Emiliza tell me to be quiet and that was it. Maybe I'm going around the bend. Maybe I am going completely bonkers. Seeing so many Underlandians deep, personal thoughts is probably doing this to me. Or maybe it's this dark hole Emiliza left me in.

I woke up this morning and had the worst pain my back. I slept on a bone that's probably been here for over a century. I close my eyes tightly because I feel I'm about to break. Break the one thing I've never done in Underland since I was a little girl.

I will not cry. I will not cry. I WILL NOT CRY!

I breath out my frustrations in a huff. Underland is supposed to be a place for adventures, not torture and pain. A place I was able to go to when I wanted to get away from Overlands problems. Now I have nothing. I'm alone and scared. I don't know when I'll be let out of her and when I am, Underland may cease to exist because of Emiliza. Maybe this was meant to happen. Maybe this was supposed to be my final adventure here to show me I have to deal with my problems like everyone else. How every women has to deal with her problems.

When in doubt, be silent.

Hamish's words swirl in my head like they are trying to tell me something. Maybe I should of just done what every other women in Overland has done. Just marry rich and stay silent.

But then I would of never came back to Underland. I would of never remembered all the fun I had here as a child. I would of never saw Hatter again. I'm not sure why he is my reason to keep fighting, but he is. I will not break under Emiliza's control. I will not break ever.

With this thought, I smile at what is to come. No matter what Emiliza shows me, no matter what she tortures me with, I will not break into madness.

"Oh, you don't think so, do you?"

I look up and see Emiliza is the one taunting me. Taunting me with my own goals to get out of here and still be the same, slightly sane, Alice that I am. I don't answer her. I just stare into her red eyes and say nothing. I'll give her no satisfaction of even a plead to get free.

"Alright, chick!" Emiliza claps and rubs her hands together, "Ready for the next one?"

Yes. For the first time since this started, I'm ready.

I'm back in the exact spot I was yesterday. Or maybe it was over there? I'm not totally sure since everything looks exactly the same. There's not even a piece of furniture in here. Just box's of black and white.

"Alright, Alice. Beautiful, Alice. My yellow haired beauty~" She runs her fingers through my hair and bites her lips while doing it. She must of ate a box of creepy cereal today because she's being extra, well... everything! "Are ready for who's next?"

I swallow my pride and nod my head. Emiliza smiles at me in return. She takes her hands from my hair then straightens her posture. "I don't think you are." Are you kidding me? "You don't even know who it is."

"Doesn't matter. The sooner I see through it all, the sooner I get to leave."

And guess what she does... laughs. Always laughing. Anytime I say anything she doesn't expect, she laughs. I'm not a very funny person. I never claimed to me either, but I guess to Emiliza everything is a joke. She eventually calms down and says, "True. Everything is funny because you all think your so clever. Even you with this master plan of just getting through everything to be done with it."

Emiliza moves closer and touches my shoulder. She stares into my eyes and slowly moves her finger to pull down my sleeve. I wiggle her finger away and she giggles like a little girl. "With a reaction like that to something so innocent, I don't think your ready at all. But I guess that's the point, isn't it? To bend, snap, and crack that beautiful brain of yours."

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Where stories live. Discover now