It's All Alice

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When Alice returned to me, she said it's finally done. Her last forgiveness was finally given and it was time to go on home. To our home. I didn't officially ask her to live with me yet, but I feel it was kind of a "don't need to ask" kind of thing. She knows my home is always open to her. Always has, always will be.

As we walk home, I look over to Alice and she looks incredibly nervous. For what, I'm not so sure. Maybe she's finally going to tell me why she needed to forgive me.

When we finally arrive at home, Alice takes my hand and brings me to one of the couch's. The green couch she choose. I have many because you never know when an unexpected tea party will arrive.

Alice is shaking like a leaf still around during a winter storm. I put my other hand on top of our conjoined hands to try to sooth her. "Alice, what's wrong?"

Alice takes a deep breath. Then she turns to me. "I'm ready to tell you why I've forgive you, but I don't know what to say."

I lightly nod my understanding. I move a little closer to her and put my hand onto her cheek. "Just tell me the best way you can."

After those words, Alice stops shaking. She's quiet for a few moment. Oh to get inside that incredible head of hers. It must be swimming with ideas.

Eventually, she stares right into my eyes and whispers, "Okay."

The next thing she does, I was not expecting. Then again, I wasn't sure what I was expecting... but definitely not this.

She rushes right into kissing me. Our teeth clatter and her lips feel rough. Like she's trying to force her lips to get as close to mine as possible. I move my hands to go to her hips like I did last time, but she stops my hands from touching her.

Whats happening?

She then puts her hand onto my knee and slowly moves her hand up my leg. I start getting incredibly light head by all the fast paced pleasure. Before I had time to think, Alice then moves to straddle my legs.

I never expected this of Alice. My Alice is always so gentle and makes little moves before she goes head on into things. This isn't right, i think to myself so loudly I'm surprised I didn't scream it. I try to pull back to say something, but she just keeps pushing our lips closer to each other. I almost feel like I'll run out of air, but then... I feel it. I've done this before...

She runs her hands up my chest. Familiar.

She slowly unbuttons my shirt. Familiar.

She bites my lip and says, "Oh, Tarrant. Have you never done this before?" Very, very familiar!

I jump up and toss Alice onto the couch across from the one we were on. I'm completely lightheaded and can barely see straight. I end up backing into the couch we were just on and fall back onto the couch.

She saw us.

She saw me and Lilith all those years ago.

She. Saw. Everything!

I can barely make out everything in front of me. My head is spinning, and spinning. It wasn't exactly a secret, but it was definitely not a moment I ever planned to share with Alice.

In all my life, that was my biggest regret. Giving a girl I barley knew something I should of waited for. Something I should of shared with the girl sitting across from me.

That very girl finally breaks my hazy vision by the sound of crying. I look to Alice and see she has her head buried in her hands. Eyes full of tears.

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